I'm assuming someone that's wealthy and wants to protect their wealth has a lot of investments in stocks (or at least has enough of an income to live off coming from it) so why wouldn't they just keep holding that? At some point, enough corporations will have gotten big enough from accepting bitcoin or will have moved into irrelevance for not accepting bitcoin and will have been replaced in time.
Very accurate. In fact, a poor man's worries are more limited to the point you could say they've go no worries at all. There thoughts are often about,
How to get rich (make money)
And how to get food.
That's the most I can imagine for a regular poor guy but, its a whole lot of a different situation for the rich folks. The next you know, your battling insecurities at all fronts.
One of there major concerns is staying rich. It should occur to you at OP that, the rich folks don't wish to have there place taken by another or there assets devalued. It actually means something isn't right and that's something to worry about.
You get to worry about all those that are after what you've got. Family and society at large.
You get to worry about where is the next opportunity in the evolutionary trends of things in the world so as to take advantage of the opportunity in it.
There are just so much that the rich folks need to keep tabs on and bitcoin or the blockchain technology can't be lacking in that.