Gee watch the movie Super Volcano from the Discovery net work, we are at 640,000 years now. From the last major eruption. Guess that make us 40,000 years over due for a major eruption.
To see how bad things will get watch the movie it is as close to what will happen as you are going to get. If you live with in 300 miles of Yellow stone when it goes say good bye.
USGS is painting a nice picture in hope it does not happen, but it will it is just a matter of when.
lots of people say it could wipe out the entire north america.. all that gas would block out sunlight, and all that ash that we'd be breathing in. it would definitely cause a rise in temperatures.
From the first article:
But the chances of it erupting soon are unlikely.
“The chance of that happening in our lifetimes is exceedingly insignificant,” said Peter Cervelli, associate director for science and technology at the U.S. Geological Survey’s Volcano Science Center in California.
Second article:
One theory is that eruptions happen every 700,000 years ago, but Smith said more data is needed to back that theory up.
“If we were to have another big eruption, it would affect a large area, on the order of several states,” Smith said. “But, as I said, that probability is very, very, very, very small. In my calculations, it’s .0001 percent.”
Panic mode disengaged.
you just "disengaged" the concern with
one theory, which implies that there is more than one.