Cool, so you have one instance where a hispanic woman was wrong and a white male was right. I'm sure there are countless similar examples and also countless examples where the opposite is true.
You can take your pick of police officers or government officials who were white males and expanded government powers and the police state, and many who were simply corrupt or incompetent. Every chairman of the fed ever, supreme court justices who rule it's fine for federal agents to raid old ladies growing their own medical marijuana or for states to enforce sodomy laws, even police officers who've arrested bystanders for taping video. The biggest fascist/statist of the 20th century, who happened to be particularly fond of white males and resentful of minorities, was a white male himself.
But that's all besides the point, the real issue here is one of freedom of press and freedom of speech and not race, gender, or affirmative action. By turning it into an affirmative action issue, you're misdirecting your criticism and you make yourself (and, by association, all libertarian and/or bitcoin enthusiasts) look like an angry fringe lunatic. Don't just take my word for it.
I doubt anything I say will change your mind, which is a shame, but I just hope that people who think like you do are not associated with bitcoin or libertarian principles since they are an embarrassment to the movement and are likely to scare away the mainstream.
This was not a mere "instance." This was a uniquely outrageous attempt to use taxpayer money to deprive taxpayers of their rights. Stop minimizing please!
Stop retreating from this specific situation into abstract generalities about what other people did and/or may do. Take some Ritalin and focus FFS.
You don't get to decide that the only "real issue here" is freedom of speech. It's possible that there are two issues, one being the 1st Amendment and the second being racial/gender affirmative action's serious negative consequences for the society that indulges in such PC discrimination.
By refusing to acknowledge any role RGAA may have played in this situation, you make yourself (and, by association, all of humanity) look like angry feminist Marxist black nationalist militants, determined to destroy any trace of meritocracy left in our educational/political institutions.
I chop up communists and feed them to Daisy, my pet pig. So go play thought police somewhere else buddy.