Year after year before the cross over service there will be promises of a new beginnings, new hopes, vision, wishes and resolution
Government will come up with the budget of the incoming year and and when you look at the budget it is really interesting with hope's of having a better year ahead as in the budget it capture virtually everything including the economy and other aspects of the nation
But every year that passes on the economic situation is getting worse by the day, infact inflation increase with each year that passes making the living standard of the poor unbearable
Let me stay from individual resolutions, there are always resolutions from people written or audio, but they end up without proper action plans to back them up, it ends up forgotten with time and the year flows like the previous ones absent of much positive achievements.
These individuals are still the same people that access governmental positions and repeat the normals, leading tho continuous laxity on the part of government in projects implementation.
This makes me to think and have come to the realization and conclusion that surviving in this present economic situation needs a total different mind set such that will make you to think out side of the box
You must think outside the box tho be successful normally, not just because of the economic crises, but before you can be able to do that you must develop the brain to perform such duties
You must cultivate the habit of reading without limits and engaging in profitable discussions with already established and informed people, so you can tap from their wealth of knowledge.
Investing in crypto currencies like Bitcoin is not a bad idea at all
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