A quick update:
Many users have been asking for more information about susucoin. Thereore, we have now opened an official wiki page for susucoin. Please visit here:
https://wiki.susukino.com/Some people have asked who the cartoon character is. Her name is Susuko. You can find information about Susuko here:
https://susukino.com/who-is-susuko.htmlWe have begun archiving speech the past few days and will be rolling out more integration and an easy-to-use API soon.
The first 512kb OPT_RETURN transaction has been mined earlier:
The message contained within is:
```Welcome to Susucoin data storage. This is one of the first messages, if not the first one, that is 512 bytes long. Remember, that whatever you put here, stays forever! Please keep that in mind. This message was formed to prove, that there will be no fork needed to include such long messages in the blockchain, because those messages aren't invalid, they are just non-standard. Will 512 be enough,though? Will SUMO be such a good form of compression, that it will suffice? Let's hope so! --Anonymous Western Anon```
We are improving the blockchain explorer to allow native message viewing capabilities, but its still under development - will announce here when it is ready.
The SUMO protocol white paper should be published this week with information about how we plan to structure archiving thoughts on the blockchain.
An english-language FAQ is coming soon, along with some more information about our mission and project goals.