Lets get the SWAP started
pls use only this link for swap ! other links are Scam !
New Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/ann-arenon-are-pos-masternodes-e-sports-betting-platform-3250789
Discord: https://discord.gg/ZsSUb5F
WorldCurrencyCoin is a globalized and transparent peer-to-peer Internet currency for everyone and that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world! We plan a Bonus Reward System (BRS) for our MiningPool, each user gets for his transferred hashrate in the pool, a certain amount WCC as a bonus for the mining with us. This bonus is automatically paid out to the user or credited to the account after completing the BRS and its implementation in the pool.
Masternodes Done!
Masternode release ( Block size up to 50MB and Transactions fee set to 0.00000002! For fast and cheap Transactions end of 02.18/Early 03.18 ***DONE***
Listening to Masternodes.pro / Masternodes.online and other websites like this Early/Middle 03.18 ***Masternodes.pro DONE***
Listening to more exchanges like yobit, Coinexchange etc. Middle 03.18
Start Working on BRS ( Bonus reward System) 04.18
Setup our Backup Pool 10.18
First Beta Tests of BRS in a Backup Pool 11.18
Fixing issues in our BRS 12.18
Second and Final Test of BRS end of 12.18
LAUNCH BRS in our normal Pool 01.19
◆ Name: WorldCurrencyCoin
◆ Ticker: WCC
◆ Algorithm: Scrypt
◆ Block Time: 64 Sec
◆ Reward POS: Staking 5% every year
◆ Reward POW: 109WCC (Mining over)
◆ Reward MN: 60% from all Rewards
◆ Block Confirms for Mined Blocks:25
◆ Instant send: ~5 seconds
◆ Transaction anonymity: Private send Implementation
◆ WCC 9% premine
◆ MAX Supply: 50.307.692 WCC
◆ Transaction Confirmations 4 Blocks
◆ RPC Port: 22938
◆ P2P Port: 22937
◆ 50.000 WCC needed for a Masternode
Creating masternodes for any crypto currency is a great way to make easy money, especially if the crypto is new like WorldCurrencyCoin. To start off you need to download the windows or mac WorldCurrencyCoin wallet, and get it synced with the network.
Win Wallet (link)
Mac Wallet (link)
Now you need 50.000 WCC coins for your new masternode.
Now that you have the masternode amount, withdraw it to your windows/mac wallet. Once you receive the funds in your windows/mac wallet, you can now get started.
1. Go to Help/Debug/Console type the following and hit Enter:
masternode genkey
2. Copy the result and place that in the worldcurrencycoin.conf file below:
(c:\ Users -> username -> AppData -> Roaming -> WorldCurrencyCoin)
masternodeprivkey=KEY GENERATED BY COMMAND masternode genkey
3. Port 22937 must be open.
4. Restart your wallet
5. Go back to Help/Debug/ConsoleType the following and hit enter:
masternode start
6. Give your Masternode a few minutes, and check if it's up in the Masternode list
7. Do not use your local IP address, use your external IP address. If you do not know what it is Type "what is my IP" in google search and you will see it. Better is a VPS with Static IP, otherwise you must change it all time !!!
That's it your done :smile
This guide will show you how to compile an WorldCurrencyCoin Masternode Deamon on an Ubuntu 16.04 Linux VPS. I will assume that you already have a local wallet and your VPS. I have used this exact process to set up several WorldCurrencyCoin masternodes myself.
We will be compiling the daemon for use in setting up a hot/cold system. Meaning, your coins will be stored on a local machine, like your laptop, and the masternode will be on the VPS.
Ok, lets get started!
Log into your VPS. I recommend you have a user account and that you don't do this as root.
Once logged in, follow these steps.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties ufw
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev
sudo apt-get install libdb4.8++-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev autoconf git-core
git clone (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx link after realease xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
cd WorldCurrencyCoin
git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1.git
cd secp256k1
git checkout a1d5ae1
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ../src
mkdir obj/crypto
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-
Config file Example
masternodeaddr=your ip:22937
That's it! You now have built the WorldCurrencyCoin deamon and are set to run it.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE:https://www.facebook.com/WorldCurrencyCoin/OFFICIAL TWITTER:https://twitter.com/WorldCurrencyCOFFICIAL TELEGRAM GROUP:https://t.me/joinchat/Gdfvjw1YWj-CO6-MoM4A9A WEBSITE:http://bitcoin-pool.de/worldcurrencycoin/Here is Our Discord Channel !
◆ Youtube Video about WorldCurrencycoin 250WCC
◆ Facebook|Twitter|Instagram Post about WorldCurrencycoin 50WCC (max 2 post`s per day)