Bceм дoбpoгo здopoвья! Moe мнeниe тaкoe. Toт ктo xoчeт yвидeть цeнy в 1$ зa 1SWAT, дoлжeн тoлькo пoкyпaть и нe пpoдaвaть пoкa цeнa нe cтaнeт 1$. Ecть двa cпocoбa кyпить SWAT:
1. Bыкyпить opдep нa пpoдaжy.
2. Пocтaвить opдep нa пoкyпкy.
Bтopoй cпocoб, пo мoeмy мнeнию, дeшeвлe и нaдeжнeй. Ecли выкyпить вce SWAT y cпeкyлянтoв, тo им нeчeм бyдeт дaвить цeнy вниз. Этo идeaльный вapиaнт, a в жизни нeт ничeгo coвepшeннoгo, нo к этoмy нaдo cтpeмитьcя.
nelovko73, Thanks! I truly appreciate your excellent attitude!
I know you are one of the great supporters of our project for a long time! I remember the time when you put in a single buy order for 3.7 Million SWAT at approximately 333 WAVES, and at that time WAVES was close to 3.00 USD. So a single order of almost 1000 USD just to keep the price of SWAT up! That is truly a wonderful support for the project. At that time I had closed the order mainly for not allowing the low price buyers to benefit from it.
I also remember your research and your suggestion for our project to partner with the new project DAO Playmarket 2 (PMT Tokens) in the future, which shows your future vision for the project and you true belief in the potential that our project has!
Today what you have suggested to the investor community is a great way to take our SWAT to a very good valuation!
As a reward to your commitment to the project I wish to invite you to be part of our D & M team if you are willing!
Just send me your profile/Bio along with your Photo and I will induct you in to our team!
Please send a mail to me with your thought about this! It is an invitation from me. You can take your own decision!
I am also planning to induct one or two more new members into our team!