20A 120V will give you 2400W, but a 20A 240V circuit will provide for 4800W - which based on KNC's initial guesstimate will be enough safety and headroom for powering 1 Neptune. Even though a 120V 30A circuit might be enough wattage if it were me I'd rather go with the dual hot wiring of 240V when running a big load 24/7.
yeah just realized that like 5min away from when i posted it..no computer access till now
yeah...that is plain as mud now that a 220v/20amp 2 slot breaker will be just fine per Neptune esp when I'm gonna play it safe and only have 1 on a seperate 220v line each....(i can figure out that much)
with a 100amp service and no load from 'central' air conditioning and no force air furnace (boiler very small pump) I should be just fine...and if not well....I can always use a "gas stove" to get over that hump..it MAY get iffy in that i probably will have to get a 220v window air conditioner unit to fight down these 2 beasts heat output in july/august...but if worse comes to worse i can stop using the stove/oven for 1 month and scrimp....should be doable.....(again the friendly gas company for stove/oven and clothes dryer would be happy to have me jump ship)....
thanks hopefully this is of help to anyone else as clueless as i am on all this
back to our regularly scheduled "speculation" on the perils of bitcoin and if knc will ship neptunes in time! (cue dramatic music....gets popcorn)