Yes thanks for sticking your reseller ID around the image
Your are welcome (to click it).
I interpret your post this way that next time I should explicitly mention when a link contains my reseller-id (even when everyone expects it to be there).
So I can make sure no one has any reason to feel like they have been tricked, misused or whatever, which is for sure not my intention.
One can type as usual '
https://www.kncminer.com' into his browser's URL bar OR click his kncminer-bookmark instead.
In addition after clicking the link you see in your browser's URL-bar the reseller id at the end. Just remove it, clear your browsers cache, reload the page.
Then in case you buy a Neptune it is not accounted and you can feel like 'yeah I'm really smarter than this stupid reseller link spammer'.
He's only 3 off a Neptune now. Good work!
Actually less are missing
In addition let me share with you that I bought all but one of them together with my friends, so no 'good work' at all.
And even the remaining one was purchased by a guy I'm in contact with.
If it works out it's nice for all involved, otherwise nothing is lost.
I can sleep well in both cases.
I want to see Upgrade-Boards (and Jupiters) as well - c'mon KnC take our money, please!