Sigh. This is yet another misleading headline like the 'Thailand declaring bitcoins illegal'. Did anyone actually read the text? It says they they are looking of ways to regulate the use of bitcoins. This is good for bitcoin because if bitcoin is regulated, then there is a much higher chance that banks will want to interact with bitcoin.
These misleading headlines really need to stop.
The original article I quoted was explicit about Schwab's objective to ban Bitcoins; I had not found the second reference at this stage. I agree that the title should not be as dramatic.
Here is a follow up:
The OP is right, the original newspaper article with quotes from Schwab is quite a lot more strident
Vous avez déposé cette semaine un postulat qui vise à interdire le bitcoin. Pourquoi?
Parce que le bitcoin facilite le développement d’activités criminelles, comme Silk Road. Sans parler des possibilités de blanchiment, puisqu’il n’existe aucun contrôle sur les transactions. Il faut interdire le bitcoin.
Vous ne préféreriez pas considérer le bitcoin comme une monnaie à part entière et prélever des taxes, comme l’envisageait l’Allemagne?
Non, d’un point de vue plus idéologique, je suis opposé à la privatisation de la création de monnaie. Les Etats doivent garder le monopole dans ce domaine.
Comment comptez-vous mettre en pratique une éventuelle
D’un point de vue pratique, c’est évidemment très compliqué. Mais on peut rendre illicite le fait de détenir ou de faire une transaction en bitcoins. La Suisse doit y réfléchir, et rapidement. A terme, une coordination internationale serait souhaitable.
You filed a proposal this week to ban bitcoin. Why?
Because bitcoin facilitates the development of criminal activities such as Silk Road. Not to mention the possibilities of money laundering, because there is no control over transactions. We must prohibit bitcoin.
You don't prefer to consider bitcoin as a currency in its own right and levy taxes as envisaged by Germany?
No, I have a more ideological point of view: I am opposed to the privatization of money creation. States must keep a monopoly in this area.
How do you propose a ban will work in practice?
From a practical point of view, it is obviously very complicated. But we can make it unlawful to own or make bitcoin transactions. Switzerland must think about it, and quickly. Eventually, international coordination is desirable.
It does seem that Schwab wants to ban bitcoins, but all that's happened is that there will be a report written on Bitcoin examining the currency - I don't think Schwab will get what he wants.
A more accurate headline would be:
After a Swiss national councilor suggests banning Bitcoins, government report is commissioned.Will