Both Turkey and Israel will now own a certain part of Syria. This country will get divided and new countries will get named in the coming days. We will remember Syria in our history books and in our dream.
Hopefully we can learn from history. There are a lot of people who don't.
People like Libyans who are now dreaming of the days the "dictator" Gaddafi ruled over them and they were living in prosperity but those days aren't coming back. The Libyans have to live in poverty toady if they are lucky. If they aren't, they'll be traded in 21st century slave markets!
Syrians made a similar mistake over 20 years ago by believing the lie started by foreign outlets like the Qatari Al Jazeera, the same Qatar that supported many terrorist groups in Syria in the years that followed.
Syria was already broken apart but now it has fallen apart completely (my initial assessment of this being an opportunity to eliminate terrorist groups was wrong).
Israeli terrorists have already started advancing and taking more of Syrian soil. From this morning they have also been carrying out airstrikes against any Syrian infrastructure they could, military or civilian... This picture is from Syrian capital burning after Israel attacks:
I've also already mentioned the fossil fuel situation, which is the only revenue Syria has.
Erdogan screwed Turkey as well mostly because of Assad's last action (running away).
If we look at past 2 years, Erdogan has been pressuring Assad to accept terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda branches as "legitimate opposition" and enter negotiations with them. If he had done that, he would have effectively legitimized terrorist organizations as part of Syria and most importantly he would have given Erdogan direct influence/control inside Syria.
But now the al-Queda branch named Tahrir-al-Sham which is renamed from al-Nusrah continues to be seen as a terrorist organization that has now taken over Syria.... all backed by Turkey! Something that is a regional threat to Iraq as the start and Jordan and Egypt next.
And the head of this terrorist group who is now celebrating inside Damascus, Al-Golani is still on international terrorists most wanted list.
Another thing Erdogan did by destabilizing Syria was to activate the Kurds. Maybe in the near future they also want to become "rebels" and overthrow the Erdogan regime as a dictatorship that has oppressed them for many years. Remember the situation with Kurdish mayors that got sacked? The anger and potential to rise up is already there. It just needed a spark, a spark that could be provided in the chaos created by these terrorists. A spark that could be provided that with weak Turkish economy that is struggling with high inflation can provide after Erdogan being forced to fund his terrorist proxies in Syria to help them keep the country that is starving away from civil war....
All of a sudden this picture is no longer just a caricature someone drew: