Hello everyone!
I'm trying since today to mine Ravencoin with T-rex, for fun and get some RavenCoin, but it shows like this, without Green [OK] like I've seen on other people.
The GPU seems busy and it seems work, but something can be wrong? 980 Ti is too much weak?
I don't mine since a lot of years!
Thank you
20210302 15:36:17 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.19.11 - [CUDA v11.10 | Windows]
20210302 15:36:17 r.9c70a63f2290
20210302 15:36:17
20210302 15:36:17 NVIDIA Driver v460.89
20210302 15:36:17 CUDA devices available: 1
20210302 15:36:17
20210302 15:36:17 WARN: DevFee 1% (kawpow)
20210302 15:36:17
20210302 15:36:17 URL : stratum+tcp://xxxxx:6060
20210302 15:36:17 USER: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
20210302 15:36:17 PASS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
20210302 15:36:17
20210302 15:36:17 Starting on: xxxxxxxxxxxxx:6060
20210302 15:36:18 Using protocol: stratum3.
20210302 15:36:18 Extranonce is set to: 75
20210302 15:36:18 Authorizing...
20210302 15:36:18 Authorized successfully.
20210302 15:36:18 New target is set to: 4.29 G
20210302 15:36:18 kawpow epoch: 219, block: 1649354, period: 549784, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:36:18 ApiServer: HTTP server started on
20210302 15:36:18 ---------------------------------------------------
20210302 15:36:18 For control navigate to:
20210302 15:36:18 ---------------------------------------------------
20210302 15:36:18 ApiServer: Telnet server started on
20210302 15:36:18 WARN: GPU #0(000100): MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti, intensity set to 18
20210302 15:36:20 GPU #0: generating DAG 2.71 GB for epoch 219 ...
20210302 15:36:32 GPU #0: DAG generated [crc: c527bb98, time: 12340 ms], memory left: 2.41 GB
20210302 15:37:19
20210302 15:37:19 Mining at xxxxxxxx:6060, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:37:19 GPU #0: MSI GTX 980 Ti - 2208.14 kH/s, [T:61C, P:140W, F:0%, E:16kH/W]
20210302 15:37:19 Shares/min: 0
20210302 15:37:19 Uptime: 1 min 1 sec | Algo: kawpow | T-Rex v0.19.11
20210302 15:37:19
20210302 15:37:48 kawpow epoch: 219, block: 1649355, period: 549785, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:37:49
20210302 15:37:49 Mining at xxxxxxxxxx:6060, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:37:49 GPU #0: MSI GTX 980 Ti - 2208.27 kH/s, [T:64C, P:142W, F:36%, E:16kH/W]
20210302 15:37:49 Shares/min: 0
20210302 15:37:49 Uptime: 1 min 31 secs | Algo: kawpow | T-Rex v0.19.11
20210302 15:37:49
20210302 15:37:51 kawpow epoch: 219, block: 1649356, period: 549785, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:38:19
20210302 15:38:19 Mining at xxxxxxxxx:6060, diff: 4.29 G
20210302 15:38:19 GPU #0: MSI GTX 980 Ti - 2208.02 kH/s, [T:65C, P:140W, F:39%, E:16kH/W]
20210302 15:38:19 Shares/min: 0
20210302 15:38:19 Uptime: 2 mins 1 sec | Algo: kawpow | T-Rex v0.19.11
20210302 15:38:19
20210302 15:38:20 WARN: shutdown t-rex, got Ctrl+C from console
20210302 15:38:20 Main loop finished. Cleaning up resources...
20210302 15:38:21 ApiServer: stopped listening on
20210302 15:38:21 ApiServer: stopped listening on
20210302 15:38:22 T-Rex finished.