No one has really replied about preparing the invoices and correspondence, but this stuff will be required wether we just use a European Payment Order or choose to take some other form of legal action. It might be that you don't feel comfortable passing this on to me, if this is the case, let me remind you that someone that has ran off with our funds has all of that information himself.
Perhaps I should provide my passport ect.. To John K for people's ease of mind?
Why would we complicate things for you. We(at lest I) are grateful you step out... How would you like to get them? I might miss this one... PDF and on a mail? If so can you tell use where. Maybe make a gmail or something just for this... Or PM...
Thanks, it's hard to know if people will really want to carry this through. I just checked in on the thread now to see if there was any activity. I'm really busy every day this week with my new job, so I can't put any extra hours into this until the weekend.
It's enough to copy and paste/save the correspondence out as a text file, I just though PDFs might be easier to organise.
Here's an email I made for this:
[email protected]Please forward the aforementioned correspondence and also your invoice for your order if you bought via Steve's site.
Like I wrote before, this should only take me a few hours to collate and organise in a file to present to the lawyers in Romania, then they can give us an idea of their fees or the options we have to structure our case for example they can get a percentage of anything retrieved, with appropriate caveats to incentivise the most retrieval realistic and possible.