Taas: टोकन के रूप में एक सेवा बाउंटी अभियान:
Taas: टोकन के रूप में एक सेवाआधिकारिक तौर पर बाउंटी अभियान की घोषणा. दुनिया भर के लोगों को बताएं और हमें मदद करें बाउंटी पूल से अपने पुरस्कार के रूप में तास टोकन अर्जित करने के लिए ।
आईओसी के दौरान बेचा Taas टोकन का कुल 2%, लेकिन कम 100,000 (100,000 डॉलर के बराबर) पूरे बाउंटी कार्यक्रम के लिए आरक्षित हैं(अगर हम सीमित लक्ष्य को पार करते हैं तो बाउंटी पूल बढ़ाया जा सकता है).बाउंटी पूल निम्नलिखित प्रकार से विभाजित होगा:
1: फेसबुक बाउंटी: 10K Taas टोकन
2: ट्विटर बाउंटी : 10K Taas टोकन
3: ईमेल / वेबसाइट सब्सक्राइबर बाउंटी: 5K Taas
4: हस्ताक्षर अभियान 30K Taas
5: ब्लॉग आलेख और मीडिया : 20K Taas
6: अनुवाद बाउंटी : 20K Taas
7: स्लैक में शामिल होने की बाउंटी : 5K Taas
सक्रिय अभियान:
1: ईमेल / न्यूज़लेटर सब्सक्राइबर बाउंटी:अपना ईमेल पता जोड़कर हमारी वेबसाइट के न्यूज़लेटर का पालन करें, और पाओ
महत्वपूर्ण घोषणा, आईसीओ के बारे में सूचनाएं और समाचार और इसके अलावा बाउंटी पुरस्कार के रूप में एक स्टेक कमाएं.
कुल बाउंटी: 5K Taas टोकन
अपने इनाम प्राप्त करने के लिए हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाने के लिए:
http://taas.fund/अपने ईमेल पते के साथ न्यूज़लेटर की सदस्यता लें और भरें फॉर्म: mन्यूज़लैटर फॉर्म:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4R13rZbwBNIg2orhTatFnkMpwjerC0t9EPNKR0Ki-TeeF8Q/viewformइस बाउंटी में शामिल होना केवल लागू होता है Taas टोकन आईसीओ की शुरुआत से पहले
2: ट्विटर अभियान बाउंटी:10K Taas टोकन ट्विटर बाउंटी प्रतिभागियों को दिया जाएगा
Follow TaaS Official Twitter Account and Help us Spread the work among Whole Twitter by Retweeting, Likes Mention, and with Tweets, and Earn TaaS Token As Reward, and Get Daily Updates, News About TaaS Project, Developments and Important Meetups.
Payment: 5 Stakes Per Week.
Requirement: You Must Follow:
https://twitter.com/TaaSfundUser must have a Minimum of 100 Real Follower to be Elibigle for Weekly Stakes.
Join Bounty: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf92fuvbM0lDuMOgKNn0p1ccSs4iVwelZREYG4GyyvLCJ4lxQ/viewformCheck Your Status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_GbbP7OM5--lgCmxVVK-L9XGjCcUXZnR8KHGvh_W-J0/edit#gid=6524186523: फेसबुक अभियान बाउंटी:10K TaaS टोकन फेसबुक बाउटी प्रतिभागियों को दिया जाएगा
Like TaaS Official Facebook Page and Help us to spread the word with Every Likes, Shares, comments, and Also Earn TaaS token as Facebook Bounty Rewards for all your Actions and Support, and Get all Updates, news, Development Status and Important Meetups about Taask Project.
Payment: 5 Stakes Per Week
1: You must Like official facebook Page:
https://www.facebook.com/taasfund2: User must have 50 Real Friends to be eligible for the Payment,
Join Facebook Bounty:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeEtM4j8Vp3Yl7E_oXBRIZrTasb1E_dm1SpahVhruysn-8jdw/viewformCheck Your Status:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IYoSBsAjjoCtSpuLGDGuq_rSr0Tf7z0DCwacXO7hJ68/edit?usp=sharing4: ब्लॉग लेख और मीडिया बाउंटी:Write a good article, review or blog post about TaaS project in your words. Post that on your website, blog, or create a good video review or presentation about TaaS (Token as Service) and earn Taas Tokens.
Total Bounty Amount for this Bounty: 20K TaaS Tokens.
लेख आवश्यकताएँ:1: Article/Review/Blog post Must contain 500 words At least.. Less than 500 words article will not be accepted.
2: Write in your own words, copying other’s contents from the web is not allowed, if your article found as copied/stolen you will be blacklisted from this Program.
3: Your article must contain 2 links of the official Website:
http://taas.fund/4: Your Blog, website must be crypto related.
5: You must Add a link of your Bitcointalk Profile into your Article's bottom as proof of ownership. (without this you'll not be accepted)
मीडिया / वीडियो आवश्यकताएँ:1: Video must be at least 2 minutes Long,
2 Video should be in Good Resolution,
3: Video Must Describe TaaS Project, and its feature,
4: You can Use , Youtube, Dailymotion, and any Video Platforms.
5: You must Add a link of your Bitcointalk Profile in your Video's Description or Within the Video as proof of ownership. (without this you'll not be accepted)
All Blogs and Media will be Separated in 3 Types and Will be Rewarded
1: Normal: 10 Stakes,
3: Medium: 30 Stakes
4: Good: 50 Stakes
अपने लेख यहां जमा करें: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUIssmyX0kxmgLM30bbpQlMr9furp-5CCPHOkZ1-PzOITpXA/viewformSee Submitted Articles Spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mfoi3Di7f_ZomK1c1eQer-YhtTCp1RyTiXLVtNOeqo0/edit?usp=sharingअपने वीडियो यहाँ सबमिट करें: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXRjYny82MeoMLxKoT6LP8DKTjMThJv7Zam7juws6x9J1yww/viewformSee All Submitted Articles Spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L2QtyJ4CAR3LpscYd2PctNJ-vkBZkyJpVnUQnP9nd-M/edit?usp=sharing5: अनुवाद बाउंटी:Translate Our Official Thread in your Language,
Moderate the Local Thread and Earn Taas Token As Reward,
Total 25K Taas Tokens Reserved for Translation Bounties:
Rewards will be as Follows:
Thread Translation: 100 Stakes
Thread Moderations: 5 Stakes Per Post
1: Translation must be Original, Using google Translator, or any
Bot/tool will Cause you Blacklisted from the bounty Program,
2: Spamming is Not allowed, spam posts in the thread won’t be counts,
3: translator must update any updates, news and announcements posted
in the main thread,
Note: PSD File of the Thread is not Available, you have to edit yourself.Us this form to submit your translations: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftBAcMvX0w8eD9FIokGTjqHNztzQYsK3Owx4XvuBUvhk9R7w/viewformSee the Completed Translation from The Spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g-2j45hf5o3tNSKuUgszM8Pd35besRFeVYoopezA1AM/edit#gid=1966482828आरक्षित अनुवाद:Vietnames By Watanabe1505 (
Portugues By Raxitto (
Hindi by btvGainer (
German By dadingsda (
Spanish: by th3nolo (
Phlipino by jwiz168 (
Dutch by HarryKPeters (
Italian by davide72 (
Romanian by ltcrstrbrt (
Russian by targetmlrd (
Malayalam by ether19 (
पूर्ण अनुवाद:Indonasian:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/taas-tokenized-closed-end-fund-1785193 By: kamvreto
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/kamvreto-5163696: हस्ताक्षर अभियान.Feel Free To Join this CampaignAllowed Ranks: Jr member to Legendary:
Signature Campaign Budget:
a total of 30K TaaS (Equal of 30 Bitcoins) Reserved for TaaS signature Campaign which will be Fairly distributed among all Signature Participants who help us to Spread the word.
Payment Will be on Stake Based.
Payment Structure:
Jr Member and Member: 1 Stake/Week
Full and Sr Member: 2 Stakes/Week
Hero and Legendary Member: 2.5 Stakes/Week
Full Members and Above Can Earn: 0.5 Stakes for Wearing Avatar
Join Campaign By filling up this form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4lq45NsgNlpa112aCCdBnIo3v06CxauH5Zs4PhDCkmI-6CA/viewformSee your Status:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pU7TFnLLeQ1y0tiUsjYuYoxoNzN2mZvC7SKYCp8R1Qk/edit?usp=sharingConditions, Campaign Rules:
1: User Must be a Jr Member to Join the Campaign.
2: User Must wear the Signature and Avatar During whole Period of the campaign (till 27th of April) , Removing Campaign Between that time cause you Blacklisted from the Campaign.
3: User Must write 50 Quality Posts during the campaign.
4: Posts must be constructive and related to the topic. Spam , off-topic and shit posts won't be counted.
5: a post must be at least 75 Character long.
6: Any User get a negative Feedback from any DT2 and Above users will not be eligible for this campaign.
7: Set your Personal Text:
http://taas.fund (optional)
Jr Member[center][url=https://goo.gl/LLS4hV]
Token-As-A-Service|Tokenized Closed-End Fund, Dedicated to Blockchain Markets|ICO 27th March 2017
Member[url=https://goo.gl/WX5Mm2]▄░░░▄▄▄░▄▄▄░▄▄░ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
▄▄░░▄▄▄░▄▄▄░▄▄▄ Token-As-A-Service | Tokenized Closed-End Fund, Dedicated to Blockchain Markets
█▄▄░█▄▀░█▄▀░░▄█[/url] [url=https://goo.gl/ZDQ4mo]twitter[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/eTzaVC]ANN Thread[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/v7ekOY]slack[/url] // [url=https://goo.gl/WX5Mm2]ICO Starts 27th March 2017[/url]
Full Member[b][font=century gothic][url=https://goo.gl/RKa6XS][color=#DD0B2F]▄[color=#1C4860][color=transparent]░░░[/color]▄▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color]▄▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color]▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color] [color=#DD0B2F]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/color]
▄▄[color=transparent]░░[/color]▄▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color]▄▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color]▄▄▄ Token-As-A-Service | [color=#000]Tokenized Closed-End Fund, Dedicated to Blockchain Markets[/color]
█▄▄[color=transparent]░[/color]█▄▀[color=transparent]░[/color]█▄▀[color=transparent]░░[/color]▄█[/url] [url=https://goo.gl/ZDQ4mo]twitter[/url] [color=#DD0B2F]▼[/color] [url=https://goo.gl/eTzaVC]ANN Thread[/url] [color=#DD0B2F]▼[/color] [url=https://goo.gl/v7ekOY]slack[/url] // [url=https://goo.gl/RKa6XS][color=#DD0B2F]ICO Starts[/color] 27th March 2017[/url][/font][/b]
Sr Member[center][table][tr][td][center][url=https://goo.gl/IPU4Ni][font=arial][size=2pt][color=transparent][color=#DD0B2F]███[/color]███████████[color=#1C4860] ██████████████ ██████████████ ███████████[/color]███
[color=#DD0B2F]███[/color]███████████[color=#1C4860] ██████████████ ██████████████ ███████████[/color]███
██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████
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███████████[/color]███[color=#1C4860] ██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████
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███[/color]███████████[color=#1C4860] ███[/color]████████[color=#1C4860]███ ███[/color]████████[color=#1C4860]███[/color] ███████████[color=#1C4860]███
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[size=7pt][b][font=candara]T O K E N - A S - A - S E R V I C E[/font][/b][/size][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=Arial][size=2pt][color=#000]█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█
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██[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]██
█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█[/size][/font][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][b][font=century gothic][url=https://goo.gl/IPU4Ni][color=#1C4860][size=12pt]Tokenized Closed-End Fund, Dedicated to Blockchain Markets[/size]
[url=https://goo.gl/ZDQ4mo][color=#1C4860]twitter[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/eTzaVC][color=#1C4860]ANN Thread[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/v7ekOY][color=#1C4860]slack[/url][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=Arial][size=2pt][color=#000]█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█
██[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]██
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█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█[/size][/font][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://goo.gl/IPU4Ni][font=century gothic][size=12pt][b][color=#DD0B2F]▬ ICO Starts ▬
[size=12pt][color=#1C4860]27th March 2017[/size][/b][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
Hero - Legendary Member[center][table][tr][td][center][url=https://goo.gl/XUQ7jD][font=arial][size=2pt][color=transparent][color=#DD0B2F]███[/color]███████████[color=#1C4860] ██████████████ ██████████████ ███████████[/color]███
[color=#DD0B2F]███[/color]███████████[color=#1C4860] ██████████████ ██████████████ ███████████[/color]███
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[size=7pt][b][font=candara]T O K E N - A S - A - S E R V I C E[/font][/b][/size][/url][/center][/td][td][/td]
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█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█[/size][/font][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][b][font=century gothic][url=https://goo.gl/XUQ7jD][color=#FFF][size=12pt][glow=#1C4860,2,300] Tokenized Closed-End Fund, Dedicated to Blockchain Markets [/glow][/size]
[url=https://goo.gl/ZDQ4mo][color=#1C4860]twitter[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/eTzaVC][color=#1C4860]ANN Thread[/url] ▼ [url=https://goo.gl/v7ekOY][color=#1C4860]slack[/url][/font][/b][/center][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][font=Arial][size=2pt][color=#000]█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█
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█[color=#DD0B2F] █ [/color]█[/size][/font][/td][td][/td]
[td][center][url=https://goo.gl/XUQ7jD][font=century gothic][size=12pt][b][color=#FFF][glow=#DD0B2F,2,300][color=#DD0B2F]▬[/color] ICO Starts [color=#DD0B2F]▬[/color][/glow]
[size=12pt][color=#1C4860]27th March 2017[/size][/b][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
7: स्लैक / टेलीग्राम बाउंटी: 5K Taas Token Reserved for Slack and Telegram Group Members.
विवरण:Join TaaS Project's official Slack and Telegram Channels and Earn 1 Taas Token (1$) for Joining The Channels. and Get Every New Updates, Announcement news Regarding TaaS Development and Project.
Join Slack from Here:
https://taasfund.signup.team/Join Telegram From Here:
https://t.me/taasfundJoin Bounty by filling form below:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15g2x9lAOIHyZFwEZezdUI92w3ibh7M8HKjot6wbbexw/edit?usp=sharingTerms and Conditions:
1: You must be a member of the channel you join till the end of bounty to get payment.
2: Payment will be along wit all bounties after the ICO end.
3: Be nice in the Groups. don't abuse, do not spam.