★★★ Terms ★★★
1. 20 posts Min per week - no roll over, only first week roll over
2. 100 Posts max per week - no roll over
3. Payments will be made every week on Monday from the address : 1FTziwutvwSG58XCc7ncnthiPg8NCBh69L
4. No spam, flaming, single word (or image), bump, “me too”, “thanks”, off-topic, or other obviously crappy posts.
5. You must use the provided signature code for your member level.
6. Signature code must remain in place for the entire duration of your participation in the campaign.
No other signature code / advertising allowed in your signature while you are participating in this campaign.
Ga ada yg ngelarang buat kita post dimana aja... so lanjut aja #contoh : ane
di off-topik ga masuk hitungan...
tapi ane juga pernah juga pernah posting di off-topic dan tetap dihitung..
mungkin hal itu tidak akan terjadi jika post nya diluar batas..
kayak gimana? setahu ane yang ga diperbolehkan itu post satu kata,spam dll
gitu ya? atau gimana?
nanti mereka pas razia , eh ngeliat kok banyak banget post disana, malah gak di itung bayarannya..