Sebentar lagi PrimeDice buka Signature-Ad Campaign buat semua rank kecuali newbie
Budget mereka 50BTC / bulan cuma buat Signature-Ad Campaign
Sistem pembayaran pay per post & post di tempat tertentu bisa dapat bayaran lebih
Prosesnya otomatis & pembayaran per minggu
Quote dari Stunna :
We have a new payment system that will pay per post and depending on what forum section (Posting in some forum sections will get you more per post than others). The whole process will be fully automated and payments will be made weekly. We will be able to track users characters per post and easily ban spammers from the campaign. Hilariousandco (Bitcointalk mod) will be monitoring all participants and will be ensuring the quality of the forum is not lowered by participants.
We're setting a 50 BTC/month budget on this campaign so we are looking for a lot of people to sign up.
wah kayaknya keren ni
kapan ya kira2 buka ni signature campaignnya ?
wah boleh juga nih gan..
kalo bayarannya lebih tinggi ane ikut dah...
sekarang tapi kalo sama ane pilih yang ini aja dah..
kenapa gak ngikut campaign yg lain gan ? rank full member di 777coin kan dapetnya lebih kecil kalo dibandingkan dgn sig campaign lain, misalnya yg ane pake skr dapetnya 0.05 sebulan untuk 50 post, artinya per post 0.001 sedangkan di 777coin 10x lebih murah