Problem is I only have these names
['thursday', 'luzerviking', 'raghavsood', 'mitchell', 'haloxon', 'owlcatz', 'kryme', 'evilish', 'dumbastronaut', 'eclipse', 'mityme', 'xslyy', 'hellot', 'satslife', 'retrosoviet', 'moparminingllc', 'heisenberg', 'chibitcty', 'mindtrip', 'hunter', 'motoxguy', 'agrawas', 'jcga', 'liquidoptions', 'est', 'heisty', 'selassiesoildier', 'turbodogma', 'spokanistan', 'thenovemberman', 'room', 'philipma', 'janemil', 'windjc', 'krogothmanhattan', 'hanspetertt', 'cygan', 'azkabal', 'crypto', 'ezeminer', 'digicoinuser', 'sircyptos', 'polymerbit', 'hanspeter', 'litlitbit', 'edits', 'minerjones', 'canaryinthemine', 'mrcrypthodl', 'xenodata', 'elmejorrematador', 'heisenberghunter', 'phishead', 'yogg', 'cryptocurious', 'dozerz', 'owlctaz', 'fusioncoins', 'batesresearch', 'blucepheus', 'realediston', 'yimfinity', 'eodguy', 'mrcryptohodl', 'blackjonny', 'gatorelf', 'eclipseee', 'tweetious','thebreadedbaby']
what names am I missing?
you are definitely missing some OG members from the collectibles section from the above list (regardless if they are part of the solution or not).
Having said that, I guess that you are not expecting someone to just comment here the names that you are missing (ie a solution or even give hints) at least prior to the broadcasting deadline.
Since you went the extra mile and did a script to solve this, why not just put all the forum usernames into it, and run it?
Well. I thouhgt we are only looking for people who posted on 15th Jan in the colelctibles forum.