Good risk management will be very useful when deciding to take a loan. In addition, what must be considered is that it is not a matter of how much to make a loan, but how much interest is charged on the loan and how long it will mature. Don't let the interest be too big and the maturity is too short. Because if you don't pay off the loan on time and the interest, it will be a new problem.
Well, you have a good point, --we should consider that possible outcome that waiting ahead, or let say the negative consequences because once you have failed, it will hit you twice, from paying your debt and the loss in your investment. It is just something like you has hit by a double-edged sword.
Investing is really good in crypto, but don't force yourself if you can't afford what you invest, it is very risky to manage to pay interest in the next month while waiting to gain profit in crypto, it is not a guarantee.
There is one more thing that I always say. Let's say you can "save" 300 dollars a month, there is nothing wrong with taking out a loan that has 300 dollars payments monthly as well. Sure there could be the fact that if something wrong happens and you need money urgently that would be sad but I am sure it will be difficult anyway, whereas if you can take out a loan that you can pay easily no matter what, I suggest doing that anything you can.
I like taking out 1-2k loans for example, that way I pay about 100 bucks a month and be done with it in just few months and I just use that money to invest into things whenever I want instead of waiting for months. Of course do not withdraw loans that you will have hard time paying, I never take out a loan that I would need the investments to pay, I rather pay my loans with my salary and just grow my investments in size.