But there, I said it: TOR!
And I don't want to say...TOR has been breached long ago, and is a far cry from secure. It's better than nothing, but infallible, it is not. I'm no cryptography whiz, but a simple search on this forum will lay it all out there for you. I just assume that anyone can set up a node and skimming data. A forensic analyst can turn a spiderweb of IPs into a glaring red arrow to your bedroom. It's not cheap or easy, but it wouldn't be the first time Johnny Law decided to make an example of someone.
Aside from all that, the human factor will kill you. All it takes is one little lapse where you operate unsecured and you are done if someone really wants to jam your life up.
Honest to god it doesn't even cost that much to trace a tor node to someone's parents basement. I'd never trust TOR to hide. Basically all I use it for is to see what the other side of the mirror is looking at. Everyone kicks and screams about how scary the deepweb is. If you are not looking for trouble however you usually won't find it. It's a wonderful library. Shit like 80% is archive. Totally not the point of this convo but hey... jus sayin
And that communication between your PC and that IP in Lithuania just happens by...magic? Telekinesis?