I've recently received a PM from hilariousandco in which he states that he intents to terminate the campaign because of TappaBit having problems with fraud and are taking down the site.
As a resolution he offered payment for half a month.
I stated I hadn't decided yet but was waiting to hear back from everyone before I decide and if it wasn't ok I would try work it out with everyone which is what I'm trying to do whilst remaining fair as possible to all (though it's going to be impossible to satisfy everyone 100%).
I just want to state openly here that I do not think that this is a fair solution, because:
1) The campaign description does not include an early termination clause
No it doesn't and I explained this to Tappabit several times why I couldn't just shut down the campaign but that's why I'm asking you guys if you're ok with that. Most seem to be ok but for those that aren't I will obviously stick to the terms set out in the op but I thought people might be appreciative of getting paid half for the half month they've advertised whilst being able to understand the situation and the pointlessness of advertising a dead site for the rest of the month.
2) if participants agree on early termination, it is not fair to pay them equally with a half rate, instead they should be paid pro-rata based on posts made so far (with 50 post = 100% payment).
If they agree to it then they agree to it, but it's also not fair to pay for a full month of advertising when you haven't made a full month either, but it was an attempt at some sort of compromise whilst freeing everyone from the campaign early. You wouldn't be able to join another campaign until the end of the month either so that's a plus for you guys. If you've advertised for half a month then half payment is fair but if you insist on full pay then you can carry out the terms in the op for the rest of the month but I wont be terminating it and then paying you full.
I don't think that participants are responsible for a site's operational failure.
No, you're not but that's why I asked about a compromise and if people were ok with that. You have only advertised for half a month regardless of how many posts you make and this was an attempt to pay people for the time they have advertised whilst trying to be fair to all and save Tappabit some money in the process. If you want to stick to the terms then fine and I have no issue with that, but I thought people would also appreciate being relieved of the campaign early whilst also having some sympathy for Tappabit. I know if I was in his shoes I'd hope for the same rather than pissing more money up the wall pointlessly, but I also understand people want to get paid for what they signed up for but there can always be a compromise and hoped people would just take 50% rather than continuing on for the rest of the month. Therefore, I will still probably offer people the choice of leaving early or continuing, but depending on what people choose it might not even be worth doing it this way (especially when you consider there's always a handful of people who don't even make enough posts to qualify for payment etc). I'll wait to hear back from most people and see but if you feel like you should get the full amount then you can continue on with the campaign.
It would also be acceptable to use a different signature provided by hilariousandco for the time remaining.
What do you mean?