I'm having the same problem, and this was after updating to v2.2, wiping out the forked blockchain, and letting it download again. getinfo output:
"version" : "v2.2.0.0-gf96a5a-noise23",
"protocolversion" : 60008,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"newmint" : 0.00000000,
"stake" : 0.00000000,
"split threshold" : 30.00000000,
"blocks" : 684620,
"moneysupply" : 3995123.58842300,
"connections" : 7,
"proxy" : "",
"ip" : "",
"PoW difficulty" : 1040.48052646,
"PoS difficulty" : 0.00080916,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1417625103,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00010000,
"unlocked_until" : 1504112287,
"errors" : "WARNING: Invalid checkpoint found! Displayed transactions may not be correct! You may need to upgrade, or notify developers."
It seems like you are still on a fork - current blockheight is only 683362 -
http://tek.blockchain.lt/ , yours is 684620.
Unfortunately, you have to re-sync again.
Delete blockchain files and peers.dat and add these nodes to tekcoin.conf -
I previously had no addnode lines in there (well, I had some, but they were all commented out). I tried putting the lines above in as "connect=" instead, but wasn't able to get through to download blocks in a reasonable time.
They're in now as addnodes and not connects. As I write this, getblockcount returns 15106 and getpeerinfo returns these addresses:
None are running Tekcoin 2.2. Here's the full getpeerinfo output:
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1417794375,
"lastrecv" : 1417794375,
"conntime" : 1417794051,
"version" : 60008,
"subver" : "/tekcoin:",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"startingheight" : 684741,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1417794422,
"lastrecv" : 1417794422,
"conntime" : 1417794171,
"version" : 60008,
"subver" : "/tekcoin:",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"startingheight" : 93980,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1417794412,
"lastrecv" : 1417794412,
"conntime" : 1417794227,
"version" : 60008,
"subver" : "/tekcoin:",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"startingheight" : 684745,
"banscore" : 0
"addr" : "",
"services" : "00000001",
"lastsend" : 1417794405,
"lastrecv" : 1417794405,
"conntime" : 1417794337,
"version" : 60008,
"subver" : "/tekcoin:",
"inbound" : false,
"releasetime" : 0,
"startingheight" : 368479,
"banscore" : 0
What are the odds I'll get a valid copy of the blockchain from these hosts?