It’s a bullshit trend those who follow these Telegram paid signal groups. They just try to attract people’s by sharing their profit throughout some snapshots but ultimately by following their mostly signals most possibility to you will losses money. I think you can't survive in trading by following such paid signal groups.
You wont survive because majority of those groups are just purely shills and deceptive ones even into those paid doesnt really give out any differences because chances are still 50-50% when it comes to precision.
It had been advised or had been recommended that its never ideal to deal with these groups and better trade on your own without relying of those signals which arent really different on making out speculation of
an average trader.
If its a free one then its your choice if you do deal with it, try and look if its really that helping you out or just simply messes up your own trading ways.
Its a matter of engagement though and trials or errors.
It isnt just worth for your penny to be spent off with these groups.