1 Bitcoin won't be enough, small capital means a lot of time to attend to your investment in trading and earn, a little larger than that could possibly make you .1 BTC a week...
You can gamble if you want to earn it quickly but i would not suggest doing it because it is very risky.
No, gambling should not be consider as way to make money, it is only by chance/luck that you'll get money from it...
At this point of time the saying "no pain no gain" is very applicable. We cannot earn huge amount of bitcoin if we are not willing to lose an amount. Investment is a risk, holding your bitcoins is a risk, gambling and trading is a risk. Almost everything related to bitcoin has a risk if you want to earn huge amount. For me to be able to earn 0.1 btc weekly you need at least 10 btc to be used in gambling and trading only then you can earn 0.1 btc weekly.