Where is the mining program running? Is it connecting to aka localhost? If not maybe firewall isn't letting it connect, or its IP address is not on the rcpallowip list, yet for some reason its claiming internal sever error (500) instead of unable to connect?
Or does 500 mean it must have connected and the RPC server itself is telling it that it got an internal server error (500) ?
What error does it give when username or password for RPC is incorrect?
It's connecting, because I have no firewall inside the network. 401 if the password is incorrect, 500 if they're correct.
EDIT: By the way, are you getting connections, Mark?
Yeah i don't have eight connections though, only seeing 7 right now, and that is from a machine that has incoming port open.
Maybe who-ever is blasting it with hashing, likely from one or more GPUs, will get enough coins to fell like investing in a stable node that people can put in -addnode or even that can be coded into the DNSseed and fallback IPs.
Maybe they are just trying to drive difficulty way high and abandon it though due to being against the idea of having some coins that are nice havens for CPU miners or something though.