The price of 15 gh voucher is 0.0186.
So I sent 0.0186 to deposit address, here is the tx you can check
But on dashoard I see account balance 0.01859999 BTC and when I'm trying to purchase voucher "You don't have enough BTC to make this purchase" message appears.
What should I do? Send 0.00010001 more (including fee). Or better 0.00010002?
To get that payout it says you have to "purchase any contract", not redeem voucher so redeeming vouchers will not work...trying to go around the system will not work in this case
No, I don't want to go around the system, I thought it's legit way.
Ok, so even if my referrals bring to me 100 Gh/s (for instance) I cannot use it until I purchase 50 Gh/s myself?
i think like the most cloud mining sites you need to have a deposit and buy minimum GH power to be able to withdraw your mined bitcoins from their GHs promos
Yeah. It's the same thing in every ponzi scheme cloud mining site.