Methinks you just want cheap TRC. The terracoin network would continuously have 6% of the bitcoin network throughput if the price were 0.03 BTC/TRC. Basically, the price needs to double.
The coin infrastructure is broken and you think the price will double in light of that news.
Indeed, LOL! You people seem to be unaware of the major issue right now, and that is how easy is to ruin Terracoin completely.
Vircurex reports Terracoin network hashing at around 46 GHashes. 1 Avalon ASIC with 3 modules hashes at around 65 GHashes,
which is more than enough to kill Terracoin. Of course, from the point of making money it would not make sense to do it, but my
point is that Terracoin is more vulnerable than ever before. To asume no one will kill it because it would not be in in his or her
interest - read: no profit - is major logic flaw. Would all other altcoins profit from Terracoin going down? Of course! So, right now
it takes just one person with Avalon who heavily invested in PPC, LTC or some other coins other than TRC to decide to get rid off
"annoyance" and thus turn at least some of those who were dealing with TRC to coins he or she owns in thousands or millions.
If I'm one of those people, Terracoin would be dead already. That which sux must be destroyed so there is more room for that
which sux less.
Most here are thinking so narrow and shallow it is really disturbing. Try to think what image cryptocoins project on those who
just recently discovered them. Since Terracoin just slightly differs from Bitcoin, problems with it and other altcoins will inevitably
affect opinions about Bitcoin. Making some profit of altcoins while at the same time killing Bitcoin is sure way to ruin everything.
As a point, even BTC blocks are taking longer then usual to confirm. Maybe someone out there as an ASIC network that isn't running very smoothly?
EDIT: Don't be so dramatic. No one has their grandmother hooked up to a TRC life support machine. Things break, we fix them, life goes on. This is an experiment. If you wanted total security you should tuck your BTC in FIAT. Because we know how awesome that is 100% of the time.
Second EDIT: It's not even broken. Its just god-awful slow. Update your client to help fix this.