even the greek have been trap by FIAT currency without notice the bitcoin "currency" escape plan ... so, project time for a monnetary switch is a little difficult considering the fact (dumb people).
yup this can happen in like 20-30 years but not in 4-5 years, Bitcoin right now needs stability and if this thing can repeat for bitcoin, The world as a whole would have changed, But I think it will be much slower because internet did not challenge the banking system etc. So around 50-60 years is more like the time I see this can happen not any sooner.
I believe it's going about 2 times faster than the internet has developed.So 10-15 years might fit quite well imo.
It is may be going 2x faster but, it is challenging the system, Internet did not had to do this, Still many of people don't have access to internet, Education is still a problem, imo it will take much longer due to these reasons and we cant really see a full fiat free system in at least 80-100 years. We need to go through big changes, like how do farmers in india, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc and developing economies get bitcoin where they don't even have access to high speed internet.
Education will take time, many of developed countries can achieve it much earlier but we cant go fiat free no sooner than 100 years imo
No matter how optimistic we are it will still take time