I have taken the liberty and posted yet another poll to gather some feedback and opinions on what you may think the next wave of banking may consist of. I believe having one, all-around bank that caters multiple currencies and is domiciled in a beneficial jurisdiction may be good bigger businesses in crypto to keep their eyes on. This will solve a lot of their current discrepancies when finding a reliable place to bank.
The digital movement has been started years ago and the banking industry has been in the forefront of this innovation. We are going to be digital and banking will be done right in our own smartphones. This is already happening right now and I think in my country I just recently saw an ad for an all-digital banking operation where users are not anymore encouraged to visit a physical branch office.
On digitalization, one of the big advantage is paperless transactions so we are actually saving a lot of trees by joining a digitalized bank; a simple act like this can go a long, long way in saving our environment. Now, as extension to digitalization, there are now big banks looking also on how to participate with the blockchain and cryptocurrency so we can expect (and there are already those doing this) banks to be releasing their own coins.
Bitcoin is supposed to be a bank killer but banks are innovating and adopting to change. I don't see a future where banks are eliminated but I am sure cryptocurrency and banks can be co-existing peacefully and profitably and can even be joining forces in serving the people.