Putin is not our friend, to say the least.
Perhaps that is true. But I don't think that he is the enemy as well. The real enemy for the European civilization is the hordes of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa. Russia and Putin is not a threat to the European culture.
Russia is not a friend of the U.S., but neither is it an enemy, nor necessarily opposed
to peaceful coexistence and cooperation. Perhaps Russians saw hope with Trump's election,
but I dunno when the love affair will last. I think the main enemy globally here is, terrorism.
They can probably co-exist with equal terms with Russia to wage war on terror. Terrorism
should have been eradicated or, at least, contained in the Middle-East. in IHMO. Putin
and Trump should worked hand in hand to fight terrorism globally.
What is terorrism, anyway? Just another method of warf,are an assymetric one, sure, but warfare none the less. You cant fight a "method", you must fight its users. And to do that, you have to identify them first. Or should I say, stop arming them?
United States have been leader of most powerful block (that is the West) for generations, ascending Great Britain. You see, the conflict with Russia is not about ideology, as Britain waged similar "cold war" ever since Napoleonic Wars. It is about spheres of influence in a world of finite resources. While, I applaud your progressive viewpoint about partnership with people with common strance on life and death... I remain sceptical. In a globalized world lead by a superpower, any and I mean ANY sovereign nation with independent policy - be it Russia, China or heck, even small Hungary, can be labeled as potential enemy, "profit breaker" and general candidate for orchestrated coup or military engagement.
Terrorists financed by west allied theocracies of Persian Gulf are mere small puppets in such game.