They lack a valid use case. Too much bullshit, invalid hype.
Even Bitcoin's use case is limited, but important (mostly the reserve currency of crypto speculation/gambling).
I agree.
What do u think about valid use cases as in
decentralized, blockchain-type-
(a) social platforms
(b) crowdfunding platforms
(c) music, gaming platforms
(d) academic, intelligence platforms
The most valid use case I think will be the one which enables all of those and more. A fundamental enabler technology. It is best if you build the legos and not all the projects. Don't try to do everything yourself in one project, because you kill the possible network effects. This is the mistake Steemit and Synereo, they tied their token to their social network.
I think the DAO was on the right track in terms of revolutionizing public funding, but they screwed up the design.
would u be interested in starting open Github freedom repository for anyone to contribute to such a
fundamental enabler technology for the greater good of all crypto projects?
Development work and necessary contributions can be crowd-funded via blockchain tech and developed with broad participation by the equal and humble guidance of core developers and managers such as urself.
Setting up an elegant approach to "handle" decentralized cryptocurrency is very complicated.
Many projects' leaders seem to be corrupt, shady, onesided and/or more. More decentralization can help
There should not be feeling of leaders or committees in the first place with a true "fundamental enabler technology". I'm sure this will have to be built by the people with the power of the people for dramatic future application and liberation.