woo, let's go nice and easy on him, he just started tweeting few weeks ago
edit: lol my 1000 post, i'm not a "virgin" nemore
lets make 100% sure he dosnt get burnt!
setup him up nice and secure!
if he gets burnt we all get burnt!
No need to go that easy on him. He's been tweeting for awhile, facebook, and a website. Did I forget to mention he already does that GPS service, too? He creates his own video, also. Trust me, he'll be up to speed in no time. I'm sending him a PM in a few minutes (almost done penning it). I'm going to post that PM here and you'll all now what to do upon reading it. He basically understands the risk, and he, along with our help, will minimize that risk for him, as well as anybody else who comes on board. I'm sure it's less risky accepting Bitcoin than carrying around a wad of cash, don't your think?
This would be an angle I would like to spin for the college newspaper. There are many crime alerts issued because so many UIC students get mugged or assaulted near the campus. Having Bitcoins can reduce or eliminate the need for students to carry credit/debit cards or cash.
Great idea! One thought, though. If I were a mugger, and a muggie claimed to not have any cash, even if true, that would piss me off and may become violent. I'm not sure how this really works in the real world when a mugger encounters such a situation. Just an obscure thought I wanted to share.
The following is the PM I just sent to Rashid:
Let's see how simple I can make this.
First go to the Other category and click the Newbies tab. Click the Introduce yourself tab of which this is the link that will take you directly there:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/introduce-yourself-15672Pen your first post, introducing yourself. Don't worry about being formal and all that. In fact, this is not even a requirement, but I opt to have you do this to help accelerate the whitelist process of which I've already got that ball rolling. I just felt that at least one post would help.
Once you're whitelisted, I suggest starting two threads. One in Marketplace
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=5.0and the other in Off-topic
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=9.0I'll assume you know how forums work. When you pen a new post, that thread gravitates to the top.
Your Marketplace thread will be the place where you advertise your cabbie service. Each day (or 2-3 times a day) you post your latest special. I do suggest that at first do it in USD and BTC (which stands for Bitcoins). You'll get accustomed to it after awhile. Don't worry about making mistakes. You can always go back and edit your post(s) at any time, unlike Twitter. May I suggest the following to title your thread?: ChicagoCabbie: First Bitcoin Accepting Cabbie. No need for Chicago in the tagline, and purposely left off the word taxi, for somehow I felt you folks have adopted the term cabbie opposed to using taxi driver, cab driver, etc.
The other thread in Off-topic is just as important for several reasons, which I'll explain. Again, I suggest titling it ChicagoCabbie Asks Questions. This will be the place where you, personally, will ask any question, no matter if its ever been asked before, therefore there'll be no need for you to hunt down your questions/answers on this board even though they've all been addressed. We will all take the time to answer your specific questions to help you get up to speed. Moreover, this will be a place where you'll send your fellow cabbies too, or anybody else you may introduce to Bitcoin, allowing them to find most of their questions already answered in one place.
These couple of steps should get you started for now. Chances are, you won't be able to start those threads I've mentioned yet, unless you're whitelisted. Therefore, simply make sure you post a hello in the Introduce Yourself thread here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/introduce-yourself-15672I already have your first customer lined up for Thursday:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.684553After reading that post, read the ones that follow. Should be a quick read unless a bunch of posts have been added or someone went on a diatribe since I've sent this PM to you.
Feel free to call me if you have any difficulties.