never was a chainsplit?! oh no, you have caught the ignorant blind disease of the stupid bridage again.
sorry to tell you this but there was a chain split.
its not like BCH is a complete separate altcoin that had its own unique block 0 genesis
If I waste 1-2 hours of my life I can easily create a new shitcoin using the same Genesis block with the same blockchain and same everything else except a small change like having 10 MB blocks and a different difficulty adjustment policy (to make it easily mineable with CPU/GPU). Then I can start building new blocks on top of it, pay a CEX to list my coin calling it Bitcoin Pooya and start trading it there.
Do you call that a chainsplit too?
Let me guess, he's still rewriting history for how BCH came into existence? Even though it's been
robustly refuted?
Announced fork was announced. Took place when announced to take place. Did what it said on the tin. Yet franky1 blames everyone but
the people who announced it.
Definitely dropped on his head a few too many times as an infant.
funny comedy.. his source(VIABTC(aka nya participant) actually debunks what he says
via were part of the segwit nya side not the BCH side.. via named old block versions that persist after segwit activates BCH
the NYA crew are the segwit supporting crew and it was the segwit supporting crew that said if there was to be a split they would call the not segwit supporting fork bitcoin cash
the split happened by old node users not changing code thus ended up on a split thus got CALLED bitcoin cash by segwit teams
it was not due to some ABC brand being developed by those wanting to create an altcoin. the ABC brand was segwit but under false pretenses to get segwit activated under a broken promise but in actual effect had mandatory rejection of old blocks(forking the network), along with the other silly mis-promises of segwit people, all done to push segwit activation by any means
when segwit started its mandate(due to nya) of rejecting old block versions.. in a mandate from economic nodes and mining pools (not user assisted, just economic/minerpool(NYA)). and in august those not retaining segwit blocks but retaining old versionbit blocks.. stagnated at first and adopting themselves as bitcoin cash(after august 1st) from the names the segwit crew of NYA decided to call the old versionbit block retaining chain, which the segwit supporting side caused to split(falsely/unnaturally getting 100% by rejecting old blocks and banning old nodes retaining old versionbit blocks) supporting the NYA option it caused segwit to activate with the faked promise of 2x base.. but where it actually required segwit1.0 to activate first with the fake promise of a 2x at later date..
the mandatory activation of segwit was their goal, by rejecting old blocks. causing any old nodes that retain old block versionbits to be forked/split away
if you look at who the NYA are (DCG) and what side they funded. you would see it was all a bait and switch to get segwit activated. and its admitted even by doomads sources that the old blocks segwit ignores and old nodes segwit bans they would call bitcoin cash
yep even garzic and g.andresen were funded(bloq) by DCG who also funding segwit(blockstream) team
doomad really fails to use blockdata and funding and real info and tries to make subtle assumptions, based on little snippets(out of context), and then uses himself as source of his misunderstanding to be then his backup source of his narrative(echo chamber/confirmation bias of his own narrative to himself)..
but if you look at it all in full context, his story falls apart
i keep laughing at doomad.. he tries so hard to avoid the truth by not doing any research and then not understanding the links he then grabs actually goes against what he says, as he doesnt take things in full context nor looks at the surrounding impacts things had on each other to provide a full picture of actual events
he wants to pretend he knows things.. but has changed his narrative many times whereby initially he had said that:
a. BCH changed code early and forked themselves independently (his narrative was incorrect, code, block data prove it)
b. and yes doomad actually said in early days that segwit activated via UASF(another thing he got wrong then changed tune)
c. that he can replace words with idol invented buzzwords to hide his sillyness but not admit to the mistake,
but then:
d. every 6-12 months he keeps forgetting he got the whole thing wrong and got debunked so circles back to silly old notions he had wrong in the first place, acting like he never got debunked. quoting himself as source when using his own ignorance of real sources full context still prove him wrong back then and now
.. heck there were even times doomad got things soo messed up, he then came up with notions of agreeing with what i said but pretending it was his idea and then insinuate i was saying his old wrong versions.. because soon later he would then disagree and go back to his old notions again..
he cant even get his own story straight..
to pooya:
so just look at the block history of the version bits of both chains
look at the june july august of bitcoin.
look at when bch first began in august, and look at which code triggered the split.. use the block data, code and use the full context of the sides involved. of who buzzworded what first, who split first and who then demanded the other side change the magic to not cause endlessly peer banning and block rejecting
you will notice those thrust/ended up becoming BCH didnt instigate/desire a fork., they just tried to object to segwit. but got thrown off
i have never used bch and dont care for it. but getting the history correct is a detail that stops idiots being idiots just to hide the tricks played by sponsored devs of a certain fraternity, that wanted more network control by throwing opposition to the fraternities roadmap sponsored plans off the network.
yes bch changed after the august split.. but look at who orchestrated the split