
Topic: The Buy Now, Pay Later Bubble Is About to Burst - page 2. (Read 205 times)

Activity: 2254
Merit: 1590
Do not die for Putin
Let me disagree with the assessment.
I have worked and communicate with representatives of the banking sector and large grocery chains. The essence of this process, at least in our country (I'm sure the situation is identical in others) is as follows:
1. There is a problem of overproduction or strong competition in the market
2. Banks have accumulated huge reserves of money that are "dead weight" and that generate losses rather than profits.
3. Lending, in terms of interest rates, has sagged a lot.

As a result, installment selling solves these problems:
- purchasing power is growing (it's easier to buy an expensive thing and pay 6-12-24 months for it). For example, now in Ukraine, with all the well-known problems, an installment plan for the purchase of equipment for 6 months costs 0% rise in price. For 12 months - approximately 5% per annum
- banks receive an additional % from retail chains, which, with mass purchases, gives tangible income instead of losses
- producers receive higher consumption of their goods, which allows them not to reduce production and not increase costs
- retail chains do not bear the costs of storage and / or disposal of goods that become less relevant due to the release of new product lines.

so that the system is quite beneficial to everyone - the consumer, the financial sector, manufacturers, sellers. Without the movement of money - the economy begins to die ....

Being that true, the BNPL "revolution" comes hand in hand with the new Fintech, is not exactly as ye-olde-credit card with a 22% interest. The concept is the seller using the BNPL supplier as a service that is appreciated by the customer and tends to increase sales. For the seller, the Fintech provides immediate liquidity in exchange for a commission. Is not exactly the model of a bank, which does not by default provide immediate liquidity.
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1270
Life's but a walking shadow!
There could be a crisis in the near future. As americans search for alternative methods to cover their monthly expenses once their credit cards and BNPL plans are tapped out. However, considering BNPL doesn't appear to track consumer debt. It is possible american consumers could rack up an unlimited number of BNPL plans without the additional debt appearing on credit check radar. Perhaps that is the way?
I think the right way should be for one to search for alternative means of making more income for themselves to cover their monthly expenses rather than this, because no matter how you look at it, a debt is a debt, and a debt must eventually be paid, if not early, then when it must have accrued quite a lot of interest fee.

Having said that, the concept of BNPL is not a bad one (but i don't think it should be abused), though in my country it isn't as yet so popular, but i know you can buy stuffs like phones, laptops and mostly electronic gadgets and pay around 30% of it there and then, and then choose to pay what's remaining in installments of either a 3-6-12 month period, and of course with interest. I don't really know how BNPL works in your country (USA), but would it be possible to rack up an unlimited number of it without running into trouble, and what about the interest fee accrued on it.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1864
Let me disagree with the assessment.
I have worked and communicate with representatives of the banking sector and large grocery chains. The essence of this process, at least in our country (I'm sure the situation is identical in others) is as follows:
1. There is a problem of overproduction or strong competition in the market
2. Banks have accumulated huge reserves of money that are "dead weight" and that generate losses rather than profits.
3. Lending, in terms of interest rates, has sagged a lot.

As a result, installment selling solves these problems:
- purchasing power is growing (it's easier to buy an expensive thing and pay 6-12-24 months for it). For example, now in Ukraine, with all the well-known problems, an installment plan for the purchase of equipment for 6 months costs 0% rise in price. For 12 months - approximately 5% per annum
- banks receive an additional % from retail chains, which, with mass purchases, gives tangible income instead of losses
- producers receive higher consumption of their goods, which allows them not to reduce production and not increase costs
- retail chains do not bear the costs of storage and / or disposal of goods that become less relevant due to the release of new product lines.

so that the system is quite beneficial to everyone - the consumer, the financial sector, manufacturers, sellers. Without the movement of money - the economy begins to die ....
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1441
As familiar as Americans are with the concept of credit, many of us, upon encountering a sandwich that can be financed in four easy payments of $3.49, might think: Yikes, we’re in trouble.

Putting a banh mi on layaway—this is the world that buy-now, pay-later programs have wrought. In a few short years, financial-technology firms such as Affirm, Afterpay, and Klarna, which allow consumers to pay for purchases over several interest-free installments, have infiltrated nearly every corner of e-commerce. People are buying cardigans with this kind of financing. They’re buying groceries and OLED TVs. During the summer of 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, they bought enough Peloton products to account for 30 percent of Affirm’s revenue. And though Americans have used layaway programs since the Great Depression, today’s pay-later plans flip the order of operations: Rather than claiming an item and taking it home only after you’ve paid in full, consumers using these modern payment plans can acquire an item for just a small deposit and a cursory credit check.

From 2019 to 2021, the total value of buy-now, pay-later (or BNPL) loans originated in the United States grew more than 1,000 percent, from $2 billion to $24.2 billion. That’s still a small fraction of the amount charged to credit cards, but the fast adoption of BNPL points to its mainstream appeal. The popular embrace of this kind of lending system says a lot about Americans’ relationship to debt—particularly among the younger borrowers who made BNPL popular (about half of BNPL users are 33 or under). “We found that most of the people that use buy now, pay later either don’t have or don’t use a credit card,” Marco Di Maggio, an economist at Harvard, told me. He said that Gen Z was skeptical of credit cards, possibly because many of them had seen their parents sink into debt. Following the ’08 financial crisis, personal debt became a public bogeyman. The elimination of housing wealth for millions of Americans fueled a credit crunch, in which banks tightened credit standards and sharply curtailed their lending. Government agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also strongly discouraged overextension.  

“We have sort of indoctrinated younger borrowers in the idea that having credit-card debt is bad,” Anastasiya Ghosh, a University of Arizona marketing professor, told me. Ghosh’s research involves polling consumers about which method of spending makes them feel the most guilty. “Credit cards are always the worst,” she said. Conversely, when given the option between BNPL and debit, shoppers made no moral distinction. Even the most prosaic items were fair game for financing. Ghosh had assumed people would tend to reserve BNPL “for hedonic things that are harder to justify”—until a control group in one of her studies happily used it on groceries. “They felt absolutely nothing negative,” she said, “which blew my mind.”

Older consumers might see fractured payments on chicken thighs as a sign of financial precarity, but many young people find BNPL’s nuances liberating, Di Maggio told me. They perceive credit cards as encouraging a kick-the-can attitude toward debt, with interest steadily accruing from month to month. (Indeed, roughly 60 percent of credit-card holders don’t pay the full amount on their monthly bills, according to a McKinsey survey.) Traditional lenders profit from sustained delinquency, whereas most BNPL loan terms are fixed at six weeks. BNPL providers can offer zero-percent interest rates because they charge merchants three to four times the average credit-card processing fee. To many Gen Zers, that business model seems less risky than credit cards. It gives them a sense of security that the debt from a purchase won’t balloon from interest and hang over their heads forever.

The tendrils of those credit-card anxieties stretch all the way to Instagram and TikTok, where countless “debt success stories” feature creators digging their way out of credit-card bills. As the reigning king of product placement, Instagram is a crucial node in the BNPL network: #Afterpay is tagged in more than 1.6 million posts on the platform, most of them from brands and influencers hawking apparel. But Gen Z’s lifestyle gurus live on TikTok, where they articulate new modes of consumption in real time—distilling whole philosophies at incredible scale.

To a generation of borrowers, zero interest means free money, and the idea of paying down daily indulgences doesn’t faze many young consumers. “One thing about me? Ima Afterpay that shit,” says the creator behind All Things Naisa on TikTok, where she has more than 130,000 followers. “I don’t care if I have $40 million in my account. I don’t care if the cart came up to $6.74. Afterpay that shit!” The video has almost 180,000 likes. In another video, John Liang, a TikTok influencer with 2.1 million followers, presents the decision to use BNPL as one of pure reason. Standing in front of a green-screened Apple Store, Liang explains that by not paying the total price for a product upfront, he can invest the remainder of his money.

When I pitched this latter reasoning to Di Maggio, he said it made little sense economically and psychologically. He pointed out that investments don’t typically yield appreciable returns over just six weeks. And even if they did, most consumers who find an extra $20 or so in their pocket don’t think to buy stocks or bonds with it—they spend it on something else. A recent study he co-authored supports this notion, finding that BNPL use causes a permanent increase in total spending of about $60 a week, stretching the average household retail budget 30 percent. Another study found that, on paper, people who borrow from these financial-technology firms look as creditworthy as their conventional-banking counterparts, but “after they get the loan, they are much more likely to be delinquent,” Di Maggio said. BNPL delinquency rates are outpacing those of credit cards, and the companies have seen their valuations slashed in the face of waning interest from investors.

Many financial-technology firms frame their mission as one of inclusion—they say they’re building a bigger tent for America’s un- and underbanked, which include gig workers and young people with poor credit histories. Klarna, for instance, recently launched a “creator platform” to match merchants with influencers who have access to their target audiences. But because BNPL providers aren’t subject to the same scrutiny as banks (most of them engage in forms of lending not explicitly covered by the Truth in Lending or Dodd-Frank Acts), consumer protections are scant. BNPL programs increase the likelihood of borrowers dipping into their savings and incurring overdraft and other fees. And most of the companies don’t furnish credit-score-boosting data to agencies such as TransUnion, meaning that even if you use BNPL and pay on time, “you have thousands of dollars of debt on your balance sheet that nobody knows about,” Di Maggio said.

What companies like Klarna once characterized as paradigm-busting behavior—young people rejecting stodgy banks in favor of more freeing forms of finance—now looks like the crest of yet another credit cycle, a familiar note in the motif of American consumption. As with young credit-card holders, BNPL users under 25 have the highest default and delinquency rates. If credit dries up in a broader downturn, they are at risk of losing access even to those programs. Meanwhile, they may find that their reliance on these parallel lending methods, which only glancingly intersect with the conventional credit ecosystem, has hobbled their credit history at the worst possible time.

The new debt, in many ways, is exactly the same as the old debt. On TikTok, a small cadre of folks is starting to inch toward denunciation. The opening line of one finance influencer’s video last month: “I’m gonna explain to you why you should never use the buy-now-and-pay-later feature.”


The phrase "record levels of credit card debt" has made headlines in US media for the past 20 years. It had become so integrated and normalized, I hadn't realized generation Z and youth demographics may have formed negative opinions around credit cards. Causing them to avoid use of cc.

According to this, BNPL (buy now pay later) debt is often not included in credit scores or personal debt statistics. Which could lead to average debt per consumer/household statistics resembling the portion of an iceberg which remains above water. There have been rumors for months now that a high percentage of US consumers were charging necessities to BNPL or credit cards. A bill which they may not be able to afford. The headline appears to indicate it could be an affirmative claim.

There could be a crisis in the near future. As americans search for alternative methods to cover their monthly expenses once their credit cards and BNPL plans are tapped out. However, considering BNPL doesn't appear to track consumer debt. It is possible american consumers could rack up an unlimited number of BNPL plans without the additional debt appearing on credit check radar. Perhaps that is the way?

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