This is a community of sheeps worshipping their cult God - Scammer Evan
Nobody even slightly intelligent should engage in questioning with them. Because their God has told them that they are going to the moon. They have become so emotionally blinded by the God that they turn hostile to anyone even trying to question their God
So how did God Evan create the masterpiece -
1. Copy bitcoin code( made by someone else)
2. Copy coinjoin( made by someone else)
3. 1+2= Voila! Innovation descends from the skies
But wait, there is a problem, the masterpiece broke even before a handful of devotees put their eyes on it. God is clueless, applies a makeshift patch. But what about the large amount of coins mined before?
Should we relaunch? Asked somebody
How dare anyone question God, these will be sold at cheap prices peasants, says the God.
Roars of cheers can be heard.
On a serious note, the only success Evan has achieved is keeping the Scam going on for an year. Why is that? because our planet has a severe shortage of intelligent people.
And for anyone intelligent - This is the reality
extremely interesting thread...what struck my eye was the slow validations which can cause a major clog with transactions when Dark Coin (based off of CoinJoin) gets bigger, right? The more coins transacted the slower the confirmations am I right in saying that?
No, not in a meaningful sense. Validation is very cheap. You do run into block size limits if you're trying to transact too much at once, but any privacy system is limited in its privacy by transaction volume.
"Dark Coin" really strikes me as pointless. The whole idea in coinjoin is that coinjoin is already part of the design of Bitcoin. There is no advantage in having a new and different system. If you're going to do something incompatible, losing Bitcoin's network effect in the process, then you can do something much stronger.
It also depresses me somewhat to see people talking about darkcoin (or even zerocoin/zerocash) when
bytecoin has a privacy system with much better properties than CoinJoin (it's similar to CJ except you safely join with offline coin holders, and all users are participants), something made possible by the fact that it doesn't have to fit within the existing Bitcoin network, and it's completely practical, reasonably performant and deployed for some time now. But strangely, it's virtually unheard of... Bytecoin's privacy properties are in some sense weaker than zerocoin's— since its like a supercharged coinjoin— but the cryptography is much stronger and much more efficient, so in practice I'd expect it to have better anonymity just due to it being much more practical (also as evidence to it existing as a deployed system). ... so yea, if you actually are interested in privacy technology in a non-bitcoin system, Bytecoin seems to have pretty much nailed it.