The kinds and choice of investment that anyone may propose to venture into, as a newbie or as an oldie, could be adversely affected by the place they live in or their region of residency.
While any investment could involve the strategy of diversifying into other investments because of managing risk and having smooth returns, It may involve multiple or even single investments across various asset classes that may be equities, bonds, securities, commodities and tokens as well as various sectors like Real estate and other geographic regions.
The kind and the choice of investment, is often a product of the current environment where one lives in. Hate the place or love it, one may be faced with the challenges of multiple tax systems, regulations and currencies that may pose a threat to ones investment goals and it could also be different and more favourable in another region or new location where one intends to settle or may consider ideal to live in.
If one intends to make a first time investment into any venture,
it is always wise to seek professional advice from experts and brokers who can help you plan, execute, and manage ones investments into any area, so that one would attain their investment goals faster irrespective of the region of residency.
Let's discuss!
This is especially true for real estate. There are just certain places on the planet that you can't sell land even if you sell it for cheap. Lot's of people lost money thinking they can sell land on hoods filled with crips and bloods, (particularly the rapper T-pain is a great example) only to end up with houses and lands that they can't sell cause apparently people don't want to get shot at 9 am trying to buy milk and cookies at a nearby 7-Eleven.
In the Philippines it's a matter of investment knowledge and literacy really, and less about the vicinity of where they grew up. A lot of people here aren't even informed about what investing is, or what are good investments based on the market conditions. MLM is big here which tells you a lot about why everyone in this country's scam-magnets.