In an interesting article, the author likened this quantitative easing to an additive drug even more potent than the usual marijuana or cocaine you can buy on the street. And now, politicians and bureaucrat are getting addictive into it as their easy fix to solve myriad of problems.
I think this points to the primary problem of representative politics. The people in power only care about retaining their power. That means maintaining the status quo and preventing the economy from immediately falling apart. It's the proverbial "kicking the can down the road." When elections are held every 2-4 years, you just need to perpetually band-aid the problems to keep your career intact. Legislators have no interest in rocking the boat when central banks and cabinet members are telling them the economy needs saving.
We all know that eventually, printing of more money can result into disaster in the long-run. This is not like a chili pepper hot sauce that can immediately be felt but definitely this is like pawning the very future of the people.
It's also possible we're exaggerating the situation. The US government has engaged in QE-like policies ever since the Great Depression. Is it possible they have
prevented another Depression from happening by doing so? What would have happened in 2008 if not for QE? It's hard to say......
Just playing devil's advocate.