This pretty much hits the nail on the head. As we enter the "new normal" economic growth cannot continue at the rates we are used to. It is limited by both natural resources and population growth. We need a paradigm shift away from using increased productivity to make more stuff. Instead increased productivity should-> lower prices and less work. If I work less, and thus make less money, but prices are dropping (due to increased productivity and ideally a lack of central bank intervention) I am essentially channeling that increased productivity into a higher standard of living. Over the long term economic growth shouldn't exceed population growth by much.
solution = Bitcoin
A while ago I found myself sharing a table during lunch with a Director of the largest local credit union.
Rather than just blurt out Bitcoin and the need for reform in the environmental and Financial systems, (as Amir Taaki so eloquently addresses the bankers in his interviews) I thought I would talk about the resulting problems caused by the system and see if I could come to a consensus and then introduce Bitcoin.
I never got to discuss Bitcoin, Instead I was pigeon hold as a work less party activist. This was something that court me off grad, as a left leaning anarcho capitalist, and utilitarian environmentalist, I had thought of the local
work less party, as a bunch of fundamental hippie urban farmers, devoid of material aspirations.
So the discussion revolved around many of the goals the work less party and addressing there platform, which I was rather clueless about.
Where I had to conclude my discussion is, our economy needs growth, and reducing the amount of work we need to do, to keep on going is a political reform we will have to enforce through law if the political will exists. (Not my opinion just were we left off)
My take home was if one wanted to achieve the goal of more leisure time (working less) and curb exponential economic growth, you can do it with one single reform, if you can effectively introduce a fixed non adjusting means of exchange (money ) you will achieve that objective.
The net problem is cause by monetary inflation. So mitigating the inflation form QE, is not a solution, it is a tax on the productive members of the economy (the makers of the actual things we need) and all these high flying economists and critics seem to overestimate the fundamentals in the economy.
The fundamental being: I pay producers $1.30 an hour to produce the typical things society needs, and I pay my layers $500 an hour to suppress competition, and the net outcome is more money is spent on the layer in the economy than on the goods and services that drive the economy. And as a business the inflation happens first in the professional services and about 2 years down the line the costs of productive labour increases, I am no economist, but I can see the writing on the wall, something has got to give, and it is not the producers at the bottom who are underperforming.