is it Ok to post in public about curve related stuff or do we need to do it privately?
It depends if something is long or short. For example, when I digged deeper into elliptic curves, I decided to not post all curves from the smallest to the 256-bit one, in some topic on bitcointalk. I decided to do that on GitHub, because it is too much content, and it is better to give someone a link, than to post all details on forum.
So, if you want to post something, that is too long to be posted here, then use other tools. Use pastebin, GitHub, or whatever, and just share a link. And if things are even more focused on your tools, then you can have some discussion in other places, for example on GitHub, inside some Pull Requests.
You know, bitcointalk is not your personal blog, and after reaching the point, where things are more related to your work, than to public discussions, it is usually a good idea to bring the whole discussion to your social media, and keep it there, leaving only links for someone, who may be interested, than posting everything here.
I believe in the spirit of transparency that's why I do everything here, if posting here is considered a crime or trolling, let me know so I stop.
It is not a crime. If it would be, then all topics related to puzzles would be taken down, because they contain a lot of details about elliptic curves, and they are sometimes too long, but they stay on forum, and those topics are not taken down for some reason.
For example: this forum is not GitHub. If you have a long piece of code, then make your own repo, and give a link to that, instead of posting every file on bitcointalk. It is also more convenient to do "git clone" than to copy-paste each file manually.
Now I know why everyone left this forum.
Well, sometimes things are too stupid to continue the discussion. In that case, usually I leave it as it is, and switch to other things. And then, I come back, when I can analyze them peacefully, and reply to something that is worth it, and ignore the rest.
But yes, forum is for discussion, not for posting every code change you can think about. So yes, for example Core developers moved from forum to other places, not because they don't like the forum, but because other tools like GitHub are more convenient for their purposes.