It's Visa and Mastercard that need to be worried, because most of their money comes from card network fees and I'd imagine a good amount of their business comes from debit cards, which they would need to replace with their own CBDCs (ironic right) if those were to go away.
Yeah, worry about what?
The hundreds of thousands of crypto cards they've issued to make money out of users who despite owning crypto think it's better to pay with a card that on chain? Really troubling, just as how banks are scared about the millions they've made in transaction fees in and out of exchanges, and normally both WU and MG would have been dead by now but WU had just a 3% drop after a record year.
@Rikafip, people use PP for the reason that maybe they don't know that there is something better - but also for the reason that as customers they probably feel safe when they buy considering that someone can't send you a brick in a package and get your money at the same time. However, what was good and new for us 10-15 years ago is probably just as good and interesting for some others today
Customer protection or more like buyer protection si what will keep most of those services popular, with the easiness with which you can void a transaction or make a chargeback with your bank there is no way you're going to have an influx of people to a system where the money it's sent and it's gone. Sellers might love crypto but buyers are not that keen on it.