I guess it will end like it started, bang bang..
What? I don't know what you're trying to say. Big bang is a rapid expansion of the universe, how can it be an end if the universe will keep on expanding?
The most prominent theory for how the universe began is the Big Bang, where all matter first existed as a singularity, an infinitely dense point in the abyss of nothing. Then something caused it to explode. The matter expanded outward at an incredible rate and eventually formed the universe we see today.The Big Crunch, as you might have guessed, is the Big Bang’s opposite. All that matter expanding outward at the edges of the universe is being affected by our universe’s gravity. According to this theory, gravity will eventually cause this expansion to slow to the point where it halts and begins to contract instead. The contraction will bring all of that material (planets, stars, galaxies, black holes—everything) back to the center until it becomes that infinitely dense singularity again, wiping out everything. And then we’d be left with the same conditions that the universe had before the Big Bang—all the matter of the universe condensed into an infinitesimal point.
Well, when you look into it, you will find that Big Bang is at least 3 theories that are not compatible. If you really want to consider Big Bang as a viable theory for the beginning of the universe, you need to knock all the Big Bang theories off their pedestal except for one. Then you need to make the one BB theory acceptable for Black Hole theory, which doesn't fit any of the Big Bang theories.
This is, however, unlikely to happen based on current knowledge, since we’ve recently discovered that the universe appears to be expanding at an accelerating rate. But it doesnt mean impossible either.
Right, except for one thing. We have known for 2 or 3 decades that the universe seems to be expanding at an ever increasing rate. It isn't all that recent that we found this out.
But... the point is, why are so many people, especially people in NASA and the media, suggesting that Big Bang is fact, when the scientists who put the Big Bang model together in the first place, can't even agree on how it might work?
After all, just because several Big Bang models exist, doesn't mean that in the last 13 or 15 billion years that are suggested by BB, that something else didn't happen that the scientists simply haven't though up yet.
Let me say it this way. Before anybody thought up Big Bang, it wasn't there. So, sooner or later somebody will think up something else that will show us that BB is a stupid idea. Since this is bound to happen (if it hasn't happened already), why do people go around saying BB is fact when nobody was there to record it, and there are countless other things that could have happened that make BB look somewhat real when it isn't necessarily real?