521 member of the European Parliament supported the granting Ukraine visa-free regime. Let me remind you that in Ukraine there is a war. Whether it will lead to the fact that migrant crisis in Europe will intensify?
What war? The drawn out posturing at the borders is not a war, my friend.
Ukrainians are different breed from welfare seekers from african and arab countries. Those create jobs for locals in social welfare, effectively turning wheels of western economies, which work like banks but pretend to be human rights NGOs on the outside.
On the other hand Ukrainians and eastern Europeans are more like a "white niggers", not getting welfare but being forced, often illegally into minimum wage jobs regardless of their qualifications and education. As a side effect, these cheap slaves push down wages for local population, which is major reason why elites support this human trafficking.
Both groups are being taken advantage of. But for different reasons.
In US landscape, take the difference between "refugees" from places like Somalia and Gastarbeiters from Mexico