There is much discussion around the price of bitcoins. Some seem to believe it could fly to a million, while some believe its just a big speculation bubble ready to burst.
My personal theory is that cryptocurrency is not the bubble, but rather the needle that will burst the fiat money bubble. Trough history we have always had an easy way to attribute value to things without it. Those who believe that fiat money is the only true way often attribute their opinion to the fact that fiat money is substainsable because of its centralized nature and its history of being used as a represantation of value.
The fact that bitcoin was created in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crises clearly shows it's intent. I believe Satoshi saw how a centralized regulated market can't be substainable thanks to the egotistical and evil sides we humans all posses.
Decentralized currencies will IMO be the future. I can't peg bitcoin to a certain price it will reach in the future as i usually don't speculate that way, but rather i just develop a bias on a subject and try to indentify the crowds bias as this is what acctualy IS the trend.
The trend for decentralized currencies is bullish overall, with some currencies being more exciting then others. Invest in the cryptocurrency you believe in and do your homework, lets bring the fiat-money world down once and for all!!
Please share your opinion on the subject, this is my first post and just wanted to share my thoughts, thank you =)