Bruno I've got plenty of backup incase you need reinforcements.
Go get em! See you this summer!
Secret weapon back-ups?
We could put together a script that focuses on getting you a "meeting" for your visit to Chicago. Would something quick and simple like that be helpful? Or would you prefer to handle everything in person?
We could easily work both ends against the middle. Meeting in person just locks in the deal, therefore it's just not some Joe Schmo making contact over the internet. Email + Phone Call + Handshake = success, I believe. Let's see what I can get together by St. Patrick's Day. That'a a fair enough deadline.
What side of town are you planning of staying in, kjlimo? And what if we dyed the Chicago River orange this year. Orange beer?
Shit! I've got another idea. What would a mixed drink called a Satoshi consist of? Now this idea has legs, albeit week ones after a couple belts.