The real hurdle to mass option is consumer protection. That is what made paypal big and until the average joe has confidence they can reclaim funds from an entity who didn't perform their side of the deal cryptocurriences will be backroom currency.
The camera on your phone is a biometric device. A high-res image of your face can be used to generate a biometric guid. This is already being done right now. Finger-print scanners are 15 dollars.
Consumer protection comes with identity and authentication. That is what biometrics is all about. This is happening already. Google biometric shopping, biometric passport, biometric credit cards. The technology exists and is being used without your full understanding already. Look at the biometric effort in india that is used to successfully identify 1 billion people.
With a high-resolution image a private key can be generated and related to your wallet, identity. When you want to authorize a transaction a picture is taken, enter a pin as an extra measure and voila. Want to receive money? The buyer takes a pic of your face and has your wallet id. Easy.
This is going to happen sooner than you think. It's going to be interesting to see if a company like brings it to market first for bitcoin.