The future of cryptocurrency over the next 20 is something we can't predict but presently we all know how crypto transaction is fast growing in world,talk less of next 20 years,if the transaction is growing currently,how much more will it look like in the next 20 years its really beyond our imagination.My view on crypto transaction in the next 20 years,crypto will massively impact the economy positively despite it volatile nature.I can't say it will replace our traditional currency because that was not the reason why bitcoin was invented it was invented for financial freedom, accessibility, transparency and so on.
True, and fiat money will also continue to exist and be maintained by the government because it is still contained in the laws of countries where fiat is also legal and legal tender.
If the government wants to make amendments related to the addition of payment currency items, in this case Digital Currency, it will be quite good again in the development of digital currencies will be legitimate so that adoption will quickly come and its use will be much more.
I would guess that they are going to end up with something much better with time, and that will be CDBC type of digital stuff that the governments themselves create, that should be a lot better. I do agree that it is not going to be easy, but it is going to happen.
Every nation in the world will eventually great their own digital currency, like how USD exists, there will be like E-USD or something that they will use, and they will issue it, and it will be centralized but at least backed by nations. When that happens, biggest danger awaits stablecoins we have now, because why would you use USDT when there is a version that is used by the government itself, and if that crashes, then the market will have a lot of trouble.