I think the paper money in the future will replace, this is because the State will use digital money, fundamental things that must be resolved is the paper money of the crime-prone and could not be controlled.
No. Paper money will still exist along with cryptocurrency because people still need paper money to use for many small purposes in the real life. And we still need someone to control the money so that they can authorized the transaction and avoid scammers
I second this. Also, when I think about if paper money can be removed completely, many issues come up, like how do you leave a tip, or in many places, paper money is given as a gift, or as a feeling of gratitude. So, may be it will be possible to limit the amount of paper money to very less, and leave large transactions to digital.
The biggest problems with paper money is it's untraceable and unaccountable. So, once it's printed, you have no way to know where it went, leading to a black economy and corruption. So, if it's circulation is discouraged, and some incentives given for digital transactions, then it could be possible to limit the amount of paper money.