
Topic: The Hashtags of Money v. The Internet of Money - page 2. (Read 381 times)

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"Nearly 95% of the State corrections commissioners, prison wardens, and treatment directors responding to a national survey supported creation and expansion of prison legal services. Cardarelli & Finkelstein, Correctional Administrators Assess the Adequacy and Impact of Prison Legal Services Programs in the United States, 65 J.Crim. L., C. & P.S. 91, 99 (1974). Almost 85% believed that the programs would not adversely affect discipline or security or increase hostility toward the institution. Rather, over 80% felt legal services provide a safety valve for inmate grievances, reduce inmate power structures and tensions from unresolved legal problems, and contribute to rehabilitation by providing a positive experience with the legal system. Id. at 95-98.See also ACA Guidelines, supra, n 4; National Sheriffs' Assn., Inmates' Legal Rights, Standard 14, pp. 33-34 (1974); Bluth, Legal Services for Inmates: Coopting the Jailhouse Lawyer, 1 Capital U.L.Rev. 59, 61, 67 (1972); Sigler, A New Partnership in Corrections, 52 Neb.L.Rev. 35, 38 (1972)." -Bounds v. Smith, 430 U.S. 817 (1977)

Something that should begin to be acknowledged, Power does not wish to be held in one place. Currency is an Earth Current, similar to Electricity, or Water, but Currency is the Flow of Materials from the Earth. Currency is the Earth in motion. From the Human perspective, Currency is actually debt. If you work for $15.00 per hour, you are being promised that by putting your service to the use of the Brand, you will get $15.00 worth of service in return. No one has promised you any services at any particular date in the future, and you can not go get Gold from the bank. You have Fiat Notes issued by a Government saying "Legal Tender" you may legally "Tender", or pay, bestow upon, a person at some undetermined time in the future, to provide a service not negotiated directly with the person who gave you the notes.

So these notes are debt we hold, and others want it, because they want undetermined services that are none of your business when you tender your currency upon them for their service provided to you. The system works because the Earth wants to move, we do not want to live our lives with the materials within walking distance, we want cars imported using these notes as payments to people who can spend their transportation fees received in Debt Notes, and they can spend them how they please by providing them to others who have services they would like others to provide for them. This is the Earth Element of the Currency, directly seen in the Human Function of what we are perceiving as Debt.

So now, in Texas Jails currently there are Public Defenders with either too much Case Load, or they are Jaded, or Undereducated in critical thinking, or all 3. Because Public Defenders are no good in Texas, they don't like Habeas Corpus or don't know what it is, they want you to waive your Trial and take Probation, and most people arrested, even those who feel they are wronged, usually accept Probation. So when someone goes into a Jail and knows the Law, knows about Habeas Corpus, and Bivens, etc. Everyone congregates, if you can get people out of Jail teaching them about Double Jeapordy, or simply by reading the actual wording of the Law they are charged under, or the Texas Fair Defense act. People need that help, and they do not get it from the Public Defenders so they come to that person for it. And that person can then Trade their knowledge for Soups, or Candy, or Stamps, etc. The Indigent Inmates have Envelopes and Paper, the Inmates with money on their books have Food, and they all want to pay for Jailhouse Lawyer services provided.

This is a Power Structure.

Power Structures are Built on Access, like Cartells run the Smuggling Markets for materials and Humans because of both Prohibitions and Immigration Laws, and we in the Cryptocurrency World need to determine if we are giving proper Grounding (like an Electric Circuit) and flow, because the Power Structure will create new openings, even if by way of Gods.

In our Push to create Currencies for Regions, Countries, etc.

We will be creating Currencies for Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Free Life Party, Armenia, Venezuala, and several other Countries in which there are people who could use their own currencies. We will teach people about Revolution, not to spread needless aggression but to have the Public of all nations informed as to how to overthrow Tyrants.

If you don't like that, you might be the reason people need to know how to Revolt around the World. The People are not to be afraid of the Government, but the Government is to serve the people so as not to become displaced.

We will be reviewing the Works of several Revolutionaries, discussing the modern mistaken idea that Revolution is a Communist undertaking, by educating everyone about the Phrygian Cap, the Phrygian Pole, and the Philosophy of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Federalism.

We will look at the Works of Revolutionary Documentation by the Black Panthers, the Move Organization, and other recent Modern American Revolutionary groups, as well as the Moorish Science Temple and others, along with Several International Revolutionaries such as Pancho Villa, Amillio Zapata, Muhammed Budaif, and others. As well as Documents such as the Federalist Papers and several modern Research Papers which have documented Revolutions, Human Society, and such instances as Warlords and Cartels.

This information will at some point during the international education, be printed in 1 location and a Ministerial group will be gathered to curate this information and create a Document in line with the will of the Gods.

This will be a Religious Document to be preserved not just so that we may Defend our own Spirits from oppression, but so that all people in the Future may do so also. So that we, in 1,000 years, may be called upon as the Anscestors when we are the Ancient Past.

We will be creating Temples, Towns, and several other organized groups around the World.

And it is strange that while we have far more uses for Metals and Stones than we did 2,000 years ago and more, in terms of Silver in Photography and other uses, Gold as a Conductor, etc. We have far more applications for these and other Minerals today than we did then. But we are more reluctant to directly trade it today.

This is likely because in the past they were actually using the metals more widely in their fewer applications, meaning the same way people had drawers full of True "Silverware" maybe the coins themselves in their metal form was how the Earth was moving itself, to then be formed to create things.

This can be seen in the idea people have that "Our Economy is the Greatest in History!", and it ought to be. Look at the Obelisk at the Vatican marking St. Peter's Crucifixtion, brought there by the Romans before that and not for that purpose, but then used it for that and the Christians used it to Pilgrimage, and now the Vatican is there. But think about that, how there are like Collections of things.

I don't mean to narrow this concept to imply in any way Auctions are the singular root metric of this, but do want to point to Auctions and Museums. As more expensive Items are Collected Publically and Privately, there ought to be a better economy. There are more items being traded, and really our Economy is just a metric of those Earthen derived things, being moved around the Earth.
Activity: 910
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In a rash Generalization,
I'm doing what everyone Wishes Cicada 3301 would do.

That Spark, that Light, is like the Cicadas.
Activity: 910
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To Expand on the concept of the Hashtags of Money, it is not like just a tagline, I said that with meaning and will go thru the what the exact purpose of that phrase is, like "There's an App for that", that phrase was actually put out by Tech People to help people get used to Apps, and to get Developers to Develop more Apps. It was like a Tagline, or Slogan, but had a much deeper meaning. Like Free Huey, or Black Lives Matter today. And recently there was "The Internet of Money" as a Concept, which is a play on "The Internet of Things", and this was to help people understand Bitcoin and other Blockchains as they emerged. The Internet of Things is like you Phone is on WiFi, but so is your TV and Security, so like your Phone is your Internet, your TV, your Security Systems, and even your Car with the Computer in Cars now, your Contracting Service for Drivers, etc, etc.

SaaS is Software as a Service, this is like your Apps, and then is Part of larger companies, you may have a SaaS App Developed for your Brand and have that be a central piece of your Brand, like a Market Place like eBay, or maybe a Crypto Exchange, etc. But a SaaS App can also be just a part of your Company and not central at all. This is even more True for the companies who Host the Apps, like the App Store, etc. The App store is just part of Google, not the whole thing, same with Apple, a big part and many people may not realize when investing in those Stocks how central it is in the way it is, and what else Google and Apple do that Make it not the Centerpiece of the Company.

PaaS, this is Platform as a Service, and can be seen best with Android and Apple in the App Stores, but also can be compared to GM's Electric Vehicle (EV) Chassis. Apps are hosted on the App Stores, and so that means Google and Apple build Apps and Tools which then make it easier for Developers to make Apps. So that is a larger concept which gets into,

IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service, this is like AT&T or Apple itself with different Computers, and Tablets, etc. Android can be see as more of an Open Environment with anyone who wants to competing on the platform with Phones, etc. And Apple is more Exclusive, releasing iPhones, iPads, etc. This also then gets into me Ford v. Ferrari, and then MoPar, etc. And the Education of Mechanics, engines are not limited by Technology but what a Mechanic can do when your Engine breaks. You could probably have like a Vehicle with a Nuclear Engine or whatever, but you have to dock it at the Lab. This also gets into different Services online that are used alongside Google, like GitHub, etc, it is pretty Universal and where Cryptocurrency is generally hosted, Litecoin was made there and DOGE just Cloned.

IoT to FirstNet with Self Driving Cars, we can see this as like the NSA, merging with Military and Local Police, and others, through AT&T hosting a series of Cell Towers owned by the Government as like a Private Cell Phone Network, comparable to a Private Cloud for a Company, or Cryptocurrency like Ethereum with an Ether Virtual Machine (EVM). Self Driving Cars will likely be on the FirstNet Network when they are Widespread, in an Internet of Things Framework communicating with each other, the Roads, WiFi the Car passes, etc.

Consoles like XBox, PlayStation, Nintendo and Apple v. Android v. Microsoft can help you think of how all of this works. Car Models and Make are also concepts that get into this.

So the Hashtags of Money v. The Internet of Money,
Means Money is already Hashtagged every Currency has like a $DOGE on Twitter, or $BTC, it works on Facebook, etc. So I'm talking about that, Currencies with Real Life Utility outside of Bitcointalk or MIT, etc, 2FA is enough, we don't have to like Give our First Born Child to access our Wallet. Now, we need to get Companies, Cities, Departments of State, etc, and even just Family Groups like a Family Reunion T shirt, everyone should be able to create a DAO or a HIVE-Engine type Token, but on like Facebook, and Twitter and Telegram and Discord. Rewards Programs and Coupons, as well as "Providing for the General Welfare", and a Cloud Service, all in one. And we are creating a Beauty Economy, and a Network of Currencies and Mining Pools, and Blockchains, so we are creating this Service.

We can also then see this as more like the Peace, Abundance, Liberty (PAL) Network, and the Cult of Kek, but we are against them like an Anti-Masonic Movement, but more showing everyone the Mysteries.

We can contrast this with Satoshi Nakamoto, Satoshi Lite, and Vitalik Buterin, etc. They created Currencies, now we need Implementation.

Now that the Van Kush Family Guide exists I can make a comparison, describe how this is like Math in that I am teaching complex problems and solutions, so that you then can solve other complex problems and Solutions. You will have these as reference points in your brain floating around so that in the future, you know more and can succeed in whatever you are doing.

In Imhotep's Day, the Vizier, or Governor as it were, would read Goat Entrails, Bird Movement, etc, to make Decisions, Imhotep solved problems by reading books Ancient the him, and he existed in almost 3,000 BC. We can see this as similar, he was able to look to Ancient Texts to then resolve a 7 year Famine.

The Van Kush Family Guide to the Game brings people to a State of Wokeness, and so does the Diaspora. It is probably good actually that the word Woke has lost its widespread usage by News Media, etc, now and is almost considered obsolete in Political circles, so now we can get back to this True meaning, a Religious Zealotry, Wokeness is not White Guilt, or Hip Liberalism, or even Anarchism and all that, a lot of those people are lost or Institutionalized. Woke is bigger, Woke can be seen in simple terms in the Black Hebrew Israelites accepting Caribbean Islanders, and many others, as part of the Table of Nations, or in the 60s when Chicanos, Black Panthers, Yippies and Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers joined forces, sometimes we can even see the Panthers on a level where they are Corraling Protesters like heard to stop them from Running away, these were called Professional Agitators by the FBI and would travel from Protest to Protest not to solve anything, but to stir it up into a Mob. We can see sometimes people do need this information to Free Themselves, and should be given that Self Determination in the issue when these things arise, so that the Knowledge is spread enough to be used and useful to the Public, and not a Tool used on them. We can see this difference as the Clergy knowing Latin, the Bible being secret, people paying to get to heaven, then later Martin Luther putting the German, Vernacular Bible up, abd creating Protestants. So Martin Luther is like a Professional Agitator, but really the Old Latin Clergy were in the Model of the Professional Agitator, Martin Luther is like an Activist, or Founding Father type person giving an outlet for the people. But we can see the Panthers as fighting a harder battle having to first be part of not Voting, getting the Vote, then forming a Political Party that the FBI then attacked viciously.

But back to the point,
The Van Kush Family Guide to the Game and Diaspora Brujeria can bring you to a level of Wokeness that is not really understood by many who use the Word. We can see that in "the Game", many people are just trying to find Love, or are addicted to something, and are then caught up in the Game with little idea of Game being Run by like "the Man" as they used to say, the Game being Run on the level of like Jeffery Epstein, R. Kelly kind of gets it, and Pimps, but most people are oblivious to that World unless they are part of it. We can see the Government as actually likely operating Jeffery Epstein's properties like you see in Under Cover Cop movies, like the House on Fast and Furious that Bryan goes to, that is likely how it is being Run now. And most people don't even understand like Training Day and other movies aren't always complete Fiction, Taken, etc. Those Worlds exist.

We can compare Crypto knowledge to this,
You can be on a level that can be compared to Woke, or you could be like a person that Buys Bitcoin and holds and Hopes, or an Investor that buys into an ICO and learns all about that Niche Tool the Token you bought goes to. Or you could have a vast understanding of how it all works, or somewhere in between there. Having this information out then bring a Period of Development, with Crypto, the Diaspora Brujeria, the Van Kush Family Guide to the Game, I would compare it to Renaissance or Enlightenment, then were Times the Ancient ways were brought back, the Kings and Queens we remember from those days, were Mimicking the Distant Past, learning from it. So this Knowledge, this Spark, this Illumination (hence Illuminati), then can cause a very Rapid Development.

Just as an Example the Van Kush Beauty Economy will be a Trade Network,
This could quickly result in the creation of a Trade Platform like eBay,
Acceptance on other Platforms maybe even eBay, Etsy, etc.
Which could then result in the Development of the first real Industry Token, if we look at BBQ Coin it was actually accepted some places, and many Marijuana Coins have been made. Coinbase used to be Bitcoin only, but as that expanded it changed the Environment, and we can see that same shift if Etsy and a big Beauty Company both accepted a Coin, or just one of them.

This could very quickly Develop into Towns like Akoin, or Adoption by existing Governments, this type of thing with Government was attempted by the Venezuelan Petro Coin but OPEC came out and said they would not accept it, so very quickly it become a Local Currency and no one wanted to invest in something that would not be an Industry Standard.

Read these for more Detail about DeFi:

Expanding DeFi

Where DeFi is headed

We currently have about 500 lbs of Soap my Wife has made, and we are starting #VanKushFamily, and the Van Kush Beauty Economy, as well as the Punic Wax Network of CryptoCurrencies, all with a Kemetic, Hindu, Mystery School at the Center called the Shaivite Temple, 37-1949939, 501(c)(3), and as we recruit people we will not only have them make Cryptocurrency accounts, and onboard Businesses who may want Tokens in our Economy, etc. But themselves register as Employees and we will have guide for pretty much everything. It is Shilpa Shastra. The Soap will act as like our Fort Knox Vault of Gold, we also later will Trade Silver and Gold; so we are doing like Andrew Jackson creating the Gold Standard, but the Soap Standard. Nixon took it away intending to bring it back after the correction, hence all the Propoganda about Fort Knox in the first place to even reference, and we still never put a Standard on the Dollar, it's just Fiat, Government Promissory Notes issued to be "Accepted as Legal Tender".
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