Bang on! No, it's not.
If you had infinite money you would be risking it to earn just the initial amount you were trying to win.
If you play black or red and your initial bet is $1, and lose, you would need to double your bet infinite times to earn just $1 (a little bit less actually). I’ve explained this ad nauseam on this forum.
Too much risk for such a low reward.
He was just illustrating how a martin gale system would actually work and win against the house. Generally the house always wins due to the house edge, and the fact is that you have a slight better chance to losing, but that is something enormous statistically. An infinite amount of money will ensure that even if you lost 1,000,000 times and won on the 1,000,001st bet you will have money to bet with. Of course if you have infinite money then you don't really need to gamble, this is just all for illustration.