People should understand that the governments are not our friends. Why are you getting mad? Most of the time govs make our lives more difficult. This is just another example of that. The so called crypto-friendly govs like El Salvador and St. Kitts are crypto friendly only because they are using this to attract crypto investors and there is nothing wrong with that... However, these investors don't really prefer countries like El Salvador to make investments, they prefer countries such as France, USA, Germany, UK etc... Let's be honest El Salvador is not a country most of us would dream of living in. In this big picture, as far as I understood it, the UK simply don't give a damn about crypto investors. :/ I guess they don't need our money.
I'm not mad but just been curious about why the government can't allow Equity and Fairness for every sector, especially crypto-related deals.
I've been following the development in the UK in line with cryptocurrency for a while now, and I must say that I'm not so happy about most of the things I read. The hypocrisy of that nation is much, they could have just announced to the whole world that they've banned crypto instead of making life difficult for crypto enthusiasts by introducing unfriendly rules and preventing businesses around it by blocking exchanges and other business initiatives with sanctions.
My view is quite agreeable on this issue, the common interests and individual interests of each subject in each situation are different, maybe at that time they have objections and consider it quite negative
Of course, they have objectives but why are they considering it negative since it's business just like others that could go insolvent? If they are truly protecting the interests of the citizens as they have claimed, why are they allowing businesses around gambling and online trading? Because many of such had also liquidated in the past without them blowing the trumpet. This is hypocrisy my friend.
I wouldn't see UK as being hypocrite as regards the regulation of cryptocurrency which is allowed and has been approved.
They are actually hypocrites, see my reply to @bussybuddy above. This is not about regulation, are they not regulating other sectors? Why is it that they are so anti-crypto in their resolves?
This is too obvious.