To me these forum is like a news channels because it has almost all the sectors were you could get information about crypto, economics, and Local Board which comprises of different countries sharing information about their country through there local boards.
Everything you need to know about crypto currency is in these forums, if I'm not mistaken. However, let's not talk about the news that has been shared on the country's local board because it's also increased the adoption of bitcoin in some countries. That there local board is here on the bitcointalk forum because people are teaching themselves about bitcoin using their local language. You can see that with these people, they are learning bitcoin very quickly using their local language, which is better because some people cannot get acquainted with some aspects of bitcoin using English, but with their local language, they will understand more.
I believe that through this forum so many persons has achieved something, please the floor is yours to share your knowledge and experience on how the forum has helped you in one way or the other.
Before I joined these forums, I was only hearing about bitcoin, but nothing I knew about it. However, I didn't even know there were other alternative coins. I thought there was only bitcoin, which is crypto currency. These forums have made me realize that I can make money with bitcoin investment, and not only transactions can be done in bitcoin technology. These forums have also made me more independent because I'm using the signature campaigns to meet some of my needs without using the money I got from my job. So you can see that the forum has impacted many things in my life today.